or use the lemons to make lemonade. either oneπŸ˜‚πŸ’•


or use the lemons to make lemonade. either oneπŸ˜‚πŸ’•

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ok well I promise I'm not judging you or anything, but some of the stuff you've liked is super inappropriate so that's why I was wondering if maybe there we someone else on your acc bc the girl I know, would never like "that" stuff... pls don't get mad or anything. And actually if you really did like those nasty pics, it IS your life and it's not up to me if you want to put that stuff in your mind but I'm just saying to pls be mindful. I mean,my lil sis started to not want to follow you bc she saw something that she (or anyone else I'm sure) would want to see... and again, I'm not judging you. Just pls be mindful of others. ty
*would NOT want to see...^
^my sis is forever_audrey