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WHY ARE YOU HATING MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Bc she get on my f****** nurses like you so stop now little ugly dude
😝😝😝 hahahah Rosted
lol tf you talking about im prettier than you
i dare you to comment on my photos
i can black mail
i am not scared to black mail you
u don't even have any of my secreats
ur secrets is u got no hope dude
well guess what u wish u were as pretty as my friend well guess what u won't be cause no BOI want to date u
hunny I got a bf so get it right
idc if u got a bf ur bf is as ugly as u
idc about bf cuz I'm not ready for a relationship yet I don't even care about it
don't be mean to friend because your ugly as f***
Taylor is nice so quit being me