Chat??? Remix me???


Chat??? Remix me???

29 1
nique I hate you ~Joey
you made me cut I'm killing myself goodbye
don't you dare leave me like this. I'm not letting you do this. if you die I die
you have a boyfriend be with the one you love
no. he hates me now. he's in the hospital and I never even knew. nobody told me. so if you die I'm dying too
so you just wanna be my friend just because he hates you now
no. I've always cared about you. always have had feelings for you. when you said you want to die I started crying for a solid hour. I feel so bad and I feel like the worst person ever
why do you even care just go be with the one you love
he's in the hospital. I just found out. he hates me now. I'm crying rn bc I'm scared
what are you scared of
you dying
bc I really care about you
my own bestfriend don't even care about me
my best friend does not even care about me
her name is nique she's off of -no-fxckboys-please-
why doesn't she care
she always worries about her boyfriend and never about me
I worry about you
not really
yes I do
no you don't
how do you know. do you look in my head
no but I know you don't you care about tt
you care about ty not me
I care about you
I have the filling that this is tj
no it's not
I swear on my life it's Nique
oh *looks down*
well if it's nique you and my brother are over!kay Bai~Bree