ok so these three girls decided to paint this guy's nails in my study hall, they said "he's like transgender now", but the guy who painted his himself the other day is still getting called gay and this guy didn't and won't because he actually has a girlfr


ok so these three girls decided to paint this guy's nails in my study hall, they said "he's like transgender now", but the guy who painted his himself the other day is still getting called gay and this guy didn't and won't because he actually has a girlfr

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wowza why do people assume that bc your nails are painted, you're gay or trans like sTOP MAKING THIS "different" jESUS
^ and *girlfiend in the caption
sorry i get really angry about this
haha i do too
if I could get rid of one thing on this earth it would be gender roles
Your school has pencil holders in the SIDES of the desks
I'm going to Texas
But also how is he wearing a fleece jacket, I live in Illinois and right now I don't even wear a jacket to go to my bus stop that's half a mile away
it's like in the 40's and we're not used to cold
plus the classrooms are freezing
is no one mentioning the fact that he's sitting on a yoga ball