Collage by _fairyxoxo


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hey is there any ideas you have for the competition??😆🤩😉😇😊
the theme was song lyrics right? do you have a fav song?😊
I kinda like ‘fire on fire’ and ‘forgotten love’
i love fire on fire!!! do you want to do that one?
yes! awesome!
could I maybe do the text?☺️
yeah sure!! do you want to make one and then we can see what to do next!
hello!! have you thought about what kind of design we want to try out first?? would you maybe be able to make a draft? ☺️
sure! :)
what other pngs were you thinking?
hmm idk, maybe if we did the text first we could figure out what to add to it?
yeah do you want to add the text??
hi! i was thinking that maybe could you add the text and then we can figure out what pngs to use?
ooo good idea!
sorry that took me years to respond😂
which one do you prefer?
it’s fine😂😂i think i prefer the one with smaller writing but idm xx
kk cool
we kinda missed the deadline and she’s already chosen a winner😬😂do you want to still post the collage and finish it??
hey do you want to finish the collage or not?
oh I’m so so sorry!😞 I don’t mind whether we finish the collage anyway, I’m really sorry I was kinda inactive. again, i sincerely apologize :/
it’s ok! I don’t mind finishing so we could both post it anyway?
but like as it is