For 2020 why don’t we all start fresh with a new style- ‘imperfection’ Lets all try something new and step out of our comfort zones!? We need to accept the fact that none of us will ever make something we’re fully satisfied with, and that’s ok! So why not


For 2020 why don’t we all start fresh with a new style- ‘imperfection’ Lets all try something new and step out of our comfort zones!? We need to accept the fact that none of us will ever make something we’re fully satisfied with, and that’s ok! So why not

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ohh ok I think I really need to do this because I’m such a perfectionist okkkk I’m excited I want to do this
thanks so so so much!! you’re super sweet 🥺
I think I’m gonna try a neon green sort of thing
aw thank you🥺💕
OmGgGGgG!! this is the bestest idea ever!! 😂😂💓✨❤️❤️❤️
sorry If I was rude to u last year. Pls forgive me, I’ll try to be better. Btw, I’ve got a Q and A! 😁
results are up tho u can check it out
where? in the Q and A
the quote is so cringe on mine.😁😰ahh noooooo
ya friends ❤️
also I love this idea so much! it's so different but it so fun to just make a weird collage.🤗🖐✌
oooh this looks fun
shouldn’t be too hard for me to make an ugly collage yes
so how old r u? and what’s ur name? I’m Anna, 12. u?
do you mind If I post something similar on my page?
congratulations i used your name!!! tysm ❤️❤️
ooh cool happy early bday
Kate is a nice name
ooo this is super super unique and i absolutely love the idea!
When can we post the Collab?
the collager panel will be starting tomorrow. thank you for participating!
Hey come check out the newest interview with _moonlightnasa_
Just a heads up that the collager panel will be starting soon! You don’t need to answer all the questions now though, you can do it whenever you want
When shall we post the Collab?
oh cool :) your account is even more stunning <3
thanks! that’s great advice, and congrats on all of that, you’re collages are amazing ☺️
yay!! I really appreciate it ❤️
aww thank youu so so much💗💗
when will you post results
? nothing. I meant to type that somewhere else!! 😂 that’s why I deleted it
deleted the comment