If I'm acting as my own therapist to help with my body image issues (making playlists with songs that make me feel good about myself, eating healthier instead of less, etc.), is that healthy?


If I'm acting as my own therapist to help with my body image issues (making playlists with songs that make me feel good about myself, eating healthier instead of less, etc.), is that healthy?

132 0
it's good to help yourself out :)
please enter my contest🌸💕
@caption sounds good to me!:) I'm not a doctor but it sounds like you're treating your self nicely 💕
thanks guys :D
if its helping that's what matters, if its not then you should explore your options 😊and find what is helping you💕 @caption
Ye that's healthy
also this song triggers me
^^oh my bad, do you want me to take it down?
this is the greatest thing