Round 4  ends 31st of August


Round 4 ends 31st of August

24 13
round ends 31st of August
this is funn 😁😁
love it!
re:// yes, sorry forgot to mention it😬
love yours!
thank you so much I will do it
not your designated background but cool
thanks for following me!
that's ok
blue bubblegum's iPad is now working, her collage will be in soon
Sorry I haven't been active lately, I will enter this round
I don't know how much the girl is hurting but emotionally and physically - a lot I think... :((( xxx
Did U Say that I was rude cos I understand my language was a lot strong back there but Ellie doesn't deserve this. She's raising awareness NOT Hate!! xxx
it's fine just elimate me
no way!
oh and Madi Lou, I wasn't saying ur rude I was saying Ellie was rude