Collage by mia_is_beautiful


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I just donโ€™t know what to do
I donโ€™t know If I could do that
Iโ€™m not sure
I would always find another way tho
itโ€™s going to be okay donโ€™t say that and donโ€™t do this to yourself. there are so many people that love you
yeah okay whats wrong do people make fun of the way u look
I remixed
look at the remix
think of everything good that has happened in the world. so much things have happened and you can talk to us we will listen. rant all you want but please please please donโ€™t do this to yourself. we can try to help we love you and ik people in your life love you. your parents love you and if you have any siblings they love you. everyone loves you. people might act like jerks but itโ€™s because they jealous of how amazing you are. and Iโ€™m not just saying this I mean every word.
I had a boyfriend... we were dating for a year...... but I found he was cheating on me the hole time
ok let me tell u something so if u lit urself on fire and people were around u would u care what they call u or would u want them to help btw dont say i want them to watch me burn no u dont u will be screaming in pain and ask for help so don't listen to what they have to say "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will not hurt"
well your ex is stupid and you donโ€™t need a boy to live trust me. all you need are people who love you and understand you
hold on i think i have a bf for u wanna know who it is
i think his name is cayleb mcguire
ok who
whatโ€™s his username
cayleb mcguire