•I hate storms. They are evil.•
•Discission; What is your worst fear?•


•Tap• •I hate storms. They are evil.• •Discission; What is your worst fear?• 🌩🌩🌩🌩🌩🌩🌩 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

135 1
aotd: bugs and death
literally every single bug you will ever find
oh and I have trypophobia (if you don't know what it is DO NOT look it up..😂😫)
ty so much for all those likes 💗💗💗💗
can u plz do my q&a
aotd: failure and the inevitability of death
so cool. I love the effects 💖🌹
aotd: losing everyone I love and not being accepted (those have mostly already happened tho) (sorry it's kinda dark)
being alone and the dark