I've been so inactive here on piccollage recently and I feel really bad about it. I'm so sorry I'm neglecting to talk to you all, it's been rough recently (by recently I mean the past 2 years). I'll try to be more active. I love you guys a lot.


I've been so inactive here on piccollage recently and I feel really bad about it. I'm so sorry I'm neglecting to talk to you all, it's been rough recently (by recently I mean the past 2 years). I'll try to be more active. I love you guys a lot.

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Love you too fren <3
Sorry if this comes out weird, but I just wanted to let you know you're one of my favorite people on here. I love how pretty all of your edits are, and then all the Sebastian Stan edits (I adore him) and I've seen Bible verses, too, which just makes me so happy to find someone else who believes. Keep up the good work, everything looks fantastic!