Emergency Chat!


Emergency Chat!

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"Oh my god, have you heard the news?" Ellissie was distraught.
Serena was frozen and silently...she didn't know what to say...she didn't know what to do.
Matthew spoke up, "She's in critical condition right now, we don't know if she's going to make it"
Omg!" Rosie yells
Suddenly Serena bursts into tears...
Serena tried...she tried, but she couldn't hold herself together. She dropped to the ground with her hands in her face.
"Rosie it's okay" Rosie hugs her
"It means what?" Serena said in between tears..."If she dies...then I have to be queen,"
"Never mind"
just back from a long nap, Coralline heard the news. Her smile turned into a frown.
"I-I have to go!" Rosie runs away to the roof
"This is just.. wow. I'm so sorry Serena. We have to find out who did it!" she said urgently.
Serena begins to cry again..."Coralline! Can you come with me to the castle?" Serena said trying to hold herself together.
"Yes. Again I am sooo sorry", she replied. "I understand the feeling", she muttered.
Coralline wiped her watering eyes. she understood how Serena felt more than anyone
(sorry to intrupt but I had a question)
Serena and Coralline swam to her castle where the queen was nearly murdered...
"Okay, so do you want to check it out?"
Serena gulped, then nodded, "I need to know who did this,"
Serena's eyes widen
"I'll be right back... I need to check something", she said as calmly as possible.
Coralline swam to where she saw the "rock" to investigate. she was shocked to find it gone. "My vision was right! Whoever murdered the queen must have taken it!"
"But if they took it, it must be important," she thought. Then she wondered how she knew it would be gone.
"What?" Serena said..."Wait...where's my dad?"
she swam back from to the castle
(I had an idea for the school and I was wondering if you could look it over and maybe post it?)
(Sure. Can I see it?)
"Serena! the so called "stone" is gone! Someone took it!"
(Yeah check remixes)
"WHAT?!?" Serena was no longer sad...she was enraged.
"I'm back!" Rosie stumbles "Whoa what did I miss?"
"It must be important! plus, ever since I touched it I've been having these visions about it.." she said.
"So earlier we can across this stone, and someone stole it, then murdered my mother!"
"Well actually no completely murdered, she's in critical condition, BUT STILL!!!"
"But I had this dream, about a trident and a huge storm and everything!"
"did I forget to mention that?" she said embarrassed.
"Wait...a second....trident?" Serena said running over to a different part of her castle.
Coralline follows Serena. Maybe she knows something about the vision!
"No...no...no...no...NO! It's gone....the trident is gone. It had magical powers!"
"that must have been it!"
"Wait, what did the stone look like" Rosie hides her necklace
"it was red, and shaped like a diamond".
"Oh umm..." Rosie starts to sweat
"Mom!!" Shouts Coral. "Where's mom?!"
Rosie's face starts to heat up and she's sweating like crazy and she's got her fingers tangled in her hair
"Coral...she's dying," Serena said.
"Rosie, are you okay?"
"You can tell me anything. You know that, right?"
"No!!" Coral uses a water bubble and rushes to her mom. She puts her in a water bubble, preserving her from dying- for a little bit.
Coral rushed back, sobbing.
Serena tries not to cry," She...she was murdered...."
"umm guys!" I show you my necklace that has the diamond
"Why?? Why? WHY?!?!" Coral thrusts open her necklace, pushing everyone to the floor but her.
My necklace comes off and the dining breaks to pices
"The Diamond!" says coral. "Wait, why is the diamond. so important?"
"Oh no! The diamond!"
"WAIT! I can explain!" Rosie starts to cry
Suddenly Rosie's Hair turns purple and her eyes green
"It's not your fault! Don't cry Rosie!" she said as a tear fell from her eye.
Serena was gone. She ran off, right when she told Coral that the guy murdered her mother. She ran, and opened her necklace for the first time, Things shook...well not really it was a hallucination. Maybe she could hallucinate her mother back right? No...that wouldn't really bring her back. Monsters were everywhere, but they were fake. If she would ever get her hands on the person who murdered her mother. She'll make something much more then a nightmare go inside his brain.
"Oh no," she gasps.
suddenly the ground shakes. Coralline falls to the floor
Her tail turns purple
"Help!!!!!!" Rosie falls
"Rosie!" she screams.
Coral ran after Serena. "Sis!! Come back!"
The Necklace Suddleny tightens like a choker on her
she swims over to Rosie
"The necklace!"
"GET AWAY!!!" Rosie screams in a strange voice and pushes away everyone
"Rosie!" Coral blasts the necklace right off her.
Coralline bursts into tears. "I don't know what to do!"
Out of anger she made the whole ocean quake...of course not really, but it made people seem like they were. Then she dropped to the floor and cried...everything was normal again.
coralline faints after rosie pushed her away
Rosie falls to the ground, eyes closed and barely a pulse
she wakes up. "Rosie!" she checks her pulse
heart slowly starts beating but I'm still asleep
"Coral! Help! She has almost no pulse!"
"What's happening? ArrrRGHHHH!!" Coral opens her necklace and makes the whole ocean a hurricane, every one thrown to the ground. She uses a water bubble to get into Jess's dorm and steals her necklace.
"Where's Serena when I need her..."
Coral bursts into tears, and freezes time.
My necklace goes back together and goes onto me and we can't get it off
"Coral! What? I need help! Why was I picked for the tournament! I'm not ready to rule a whole kingdom!" bursts into tears
My necklace turns rainbow and lights up
Serena swam back...slowly with everything turned a hallucination. Everyone, but her thought it was real. Ocean quakes, Tsunamis....she wish that all of that would really happen...to that man...the man who killed her mother
When she freezes time, she prices the necklace off Rosie, and smashes it. She put it into a water bubble, sending it into the farthest spot from her.She rushes off and in freezes time. "No one will find me." She thought.
(Wait what power does Serena have in her necklace?)
"Rosie, Coral! Wait, where's the necklace?"
unfreezes too
(no clue😂 did you mean unfreezes instead of in freezes?)
Starts to wake up "Whoa what happened" I sit up and suddenly bubbles form around me
"Rosie are you okay?"
"I-I think that necklace did something follow me!"
"you turned... evil I guess".
I grab your hand and swim to a cave
But, then she realized something, she could make him fall...Serena will manipulate his mind to a point where he was done...insane...dirt...worthless....nothing. A blank slate. Serena thought over and over...or she could be nice and just hang him instead of mind torturing him...Nope...Serena was not happy....mind torture it is.
"Where are we?"
(Serena what power does ur necklace have?)
(Mind manipulation//hallucination)
"My home" I swim through a small slot and we come to a huge, dark library.
"I know! now, where is it?" I swim to a high shelf
Coral lightly opened her necklace and sobbed into it. She suddenly felt... something different.
"Found it!" I grab a old dusty book open it and swim to a table
Coralline gets confused. Where is what?
She figured, why not open it?
Serena swam back to the school and just cried.
"What is the that?"
reads the book "Queen waters is the queen of the ocean and once her daughter Rosalina Water becomes 15 she shall be the queen of the seas"
"But that's..." Coralline was shocked.
"You", she finished. Right?
She opens it and suddenly she suddenly saw that the chair was floating!
"Yeah but that can't be right! The queen has powers and I-I don't
She thinks. and then she figured, she can do things with her mind!
She thought about Rosie floating on the air.
"Maybe you do then?"
Serena found them and took a breath, "And plus, your 18, not 15)
(Sorry I messed up her bio she's supposed to be 18)
"Hey, do you guys wanna take a break from all this drama and go shopping?"
Serena then felt something different as well....like she just couldn't do stuff with her mind....she could do more.....
I mean 16)
"Wait Coral...can you do stuff with your mind too?"
suddenly she thinks of Coralline thrusting her tail around.
(I feel like I'm the only one without powers😂)
how did you find me?" She asked.
"Yeah let's go shopping when's the dance?"
"Soon I think. And Matthew's taking you?"
"Yeah!" Laughd
"I didn't find you...I think we have telepathy...and we're talking through each others minds,"
"So wait.....do you have mind powers now too?"
"I guess, It was when I started crying."
"Do you wanna head to my dorm?"
"Sure" Swims there
"Wait...I cried too....then I felt like something changed,"
I don't get it!" Cried Coral. "I just don't!" Coral starts sobbing as she thinks of Herself prying into Serena's mind.
Serena felt that and blocked her out, then everything around her froze.
Coral put herself in a water bubble, blocking Serena out so she can't use her power on Coral. She the prayed into her mind, making Serena tell her everything about the diamond, the murderer, the necklaces.
Omg. Lonnie swam quickly in "I came as soon as I heard. Would anyone like to fill me in a little more on what's going on?"
"Wow this place is nice" Rosie sits down
But Serena didn't, she felt and pushed her out. Then everything froze again...did she get...Jess's power
"Hi Lonnie I'm-you look exactly like me"
"You guys could be twins!
Lonnie laughed. "You must be my long lost twin!" She joked. "Your face is absolutely stunning! I heard the rumor. Was it you the prince asked on a date or something?"
"Yeah! I hope the prince doesn't think you're me!" laughs
You got Her powers from her necklace.." Thought coral to herself. She sent a water bubble and picked up Serena's necklace. Without it, Serena couldn't stop her from finding out about the necklaces, murderer and diamond.
She pried into Serena's mind and forced her to tell about the murderer necklaces and diamond.
^in her mind
(sorry I know Rosie already asked but when's the next task?)
(Later today)
(I'm so excited!)
(How many hours)
(Hopefully next round is more tame😂😬)
(Like in 5-30 minutes)
Serena then stormed off back to the castle to find her friends.
"Hi Serena", she said as she stormed in. "What's wrong?"
"I wish these freaking necklaces were just destroyed...gone!!!!"
"I know! my only link with my entire future is gone!" Rosie cried as her phone dinged
"Hey, its lunch! let's go get something to eat, okay?"
"SERENA, THEY ARENT FREAKING! ARRRRRGHHHHH!!!" Coral thrust Serena into the table and locked her in a water cage, unbreakable. She still had Serena's necklace so she couldn't get out. "WHOS FREAKING NOW?!?!"
"Fine....leave me in here....I just can't believe how selfish you've been,"
"Okay let's calm down coral" Rosie goes to hug her
Coralline noticed Serena's necklace dropped and swam towards it to grab it before Coral
she quickly grabbed it and swam off
"I think I know how to destroy it, but I need to check."
(Umm I kind of want to say this necklace thing was a dream because it's kind of hard for me to post the next task like this)
(Like my icon?)
swims into Rosie's house. "Aha", she says as she grabs a book.
(ok understandable)
"Coralline can I see it? Please?"
she gives it to her.
"Release herself from the cage"
Rosie follows her "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Rosie grabs the book
(Guys...can we let this necklace drama come to an end? If it does I can post the next task)
"I think I know how to destroy the necklace! but I needed to check.." she said nervously
(yeah I have an idea)
wakes up and finds herself on the floor. "What happened?"
(Don't destroy them...just close it off somehow)
Serena gets up, "I...I don't know, I feel like someone was controlling us..."
everyone else was on the floor asleep too
"Guys, wake up! Ugh I had the weirdest dream.."
Coral leaves and heads to her dorm, hoping to forget about the necklaces and let Serena out of the cage.
"The last thing I remember was shooting with my bow!"
"What?" Rosie wakes up
"Huh that was strange! Anyways...let's go! Class is going to start soon!"
I had just came back from the rock, I mean from playing with my dolphin!"
"THE DANCE IS TODAY". Rosie jumps up
"Yeah, weird", she thought.
Lonnie nodded. She began to leave and prepare for class
swam back to her dorm
Rosie went to class
"WHAT NOOOOOO" she says "what happened"