When the squad rolls in😂✌🏻️


When the squad rolls in😂✌🏻️

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thx for the spam
No thank you💕
thx. hru
I'm amazing.
what about you?
I'm ok
y u amazing!
cause I'm talking to a bunch of wonderful people plus I have cupcakes😂💕
there so good!!
I know😍
do u know Kyle in real life?
Nope just on here
aww. (u guys would make a cute couple)
r u to dating
no we're not
u should
haha maybe❤️
u should!!!!!!
yeah well I don't know if he feels the same😁
want me to find out?
you can but you don't have too
I'm going to. u guys r so cute together?
I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name😁😩
nice to meet you. I'm Jordyn
nice to meet u
so what's up?
nm hbu
watching Netflix with my dog
yeah his name is Bux
Netflix and chill. my teacher said that during school. everyone started laughing.
nah just Netflix😂
Awww. cute name
thanks. do you have any pets?
2 dogs. named Walter and Sophie
awe cute.
thx. u play any sports?
yeah. volleyball, hockey and I snowboard
what about you?
baseball, softball, football, basketball, cross country, and snowboard. and I workout
oh that's a lot. that's amazing
thx. wish guys felt the same way. I'm ugly! just look at my collages. u so fùcking pretty
that's not true. you're gorgeous👌🏻💕
no problem🌸
but u and Kyle=❤️
haha we're just friends😂👌🏻
u like him?
of course I do
❤️❤️❤️😏😏 (u 2)
who do you like?😉😉
I'm not saying
why not?😩
he has a gf!
awe that's awful😁
yea. it's mmax_
did u look at his thing?
I'll check
oh my gosh
that's awful😒
yea. I want to tell I like him but like
yeah well bring it up with him
I don't want to tell him!
well if you love someone tell them. even if they don't feel the same way that means you won't have to go through life wondering what could have been
tell Kyle u like him then!😂
but I don't want to ruin our friendship
oh true
I told him😖
what did he say?
I have no clue. I want someone else to find out for me😂
oh I could ask him
do you want me too?
I don't care. but if u do. not his recent post like an earlier one. but I don't care
r u?
I did
omg!! I can't believe u did😂
yeah I did😂
well I'm going to bed cause it's pretty late and I have to get up really early tint
see ya. thx for chatting🙃
I'll talk to you tomorrow