Love tips for my Best friend? Please respond! I'll give the best advice a shoutout!


Love tips for my Best friend? Please respond! I'll give the best advice a shoutout!

12 0
What kind of love tips? Getting/finding love? Love trouble? Etc?
Yes! Her curent crush moved away and she is well... sad
Oh, well that's a tough one, If she still wishes to go after her crush, she'll have to try hard to keep a connection, and if she wishes to move on for the better, I suggest ice cream and Netflix, but also to keep an open mind around you, Love needs patience and sincerity, It's all about waiting for the right person, being reasonable, and keeping your head up high. It'll always get better
Oh, and here. ~Gives hugs~
She says Arigato!!!(≧∇≦)
You're Welcome C: