You guys are all great and deserve happiness. If there's ever anything you need help with, don't hesitate to ask me!!!


You guys are all great and deserve happiness. If there's ever anything you need help with, don't hesitate to ask me!!!

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I need some advice can I ask you?
of course
well idk why but today i felt like a piece of me was missing how do I you kno go about it?
aw I'm sorry. I know how that feels. well...I guess you could try doing things that make you realize the solidity of being alive. listen to music, paint a picture, plant some flowers. whatever makes you feel like yourself.
aw oh my goodness thank you so much this was so helpful to me thank you ily!!!💕💕
one of my best friends suffers from several mental disorders. I feel like I should give her advice or something, but I just don't know what to say. please help.
I think you should ask if everything is okay. ask if there's anything you can do to help. that way, they'll know that someone cares and they're not alone in this. it takes a while to open up to people, but it might help.
@caption same goes to you
ok, thank you.