Collage by Keelys_Princess


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Sorry, my mum was being a fxcking bxtch. I don't have my laptop until tomorrow.
What happened
I shouted at her. She took away my phone and laptop.
Then how r u messaging me
I have it back now but I don't get my laptop until tomorrow.
Can you hold me, I saw something on tv that has me very upset *Tears up*
*Holds you close*
*Looks at you with tears falling down face face* Yea
*Lays my head down on your lap with tears still falling down my face*
*Wipes them away*
Let's go to the park *Wipes tears*
Are you sure?
Yea, maybe it'll help *Wipes tears*
Okay, Princess.
*We walk to the park and we arrive*
*Holds you*
*Holds you and kisses*
Let's go swing on the swings
Yes, Princess.
*We sit on the swings and we swing on the swings*
*I see a big dog so I stand up and walks towards it so I can see if it's friendly or not*
*I bend down to pet it*
*Smiles* Careful
*He starts growling and jumps on me*
*He starts biting my arm and shaking it's head, I start screaming in pain*
*Pushes him off*
*My arm is bleeding*
*He jumps on me again bites the same arms*
*Holds your arm. Looks at it*
*The dog scratched my arm that's bleeding badly*
*Out of nowhere our dog Shadow comes and attacks the dog*
*Cleans away the blood*
*Shadow is still attacking the dog*
*Looks at the cut closer*
*Shadow suffocates the dog by squeezing his neck hardly by his mouth*
*The cut is big and deep*
*Looks at you*
*Goes unconscious from the blood loss*
*Carries you home*
*Juliet comes out of her room and asks* What happened
*Shadow lays on floor and goes to sleep*
We went to the park *Walks into our room*
*Slowly starts waking up, says in a weak voice* Keely, you should take me to the hospital
*Looks at you* Alright.
*You drive and we arrive*
*The doctors asks you what happened*
Dog attack.
*They ask you* What is your relationship with her
*They look at our diamond rings*
*They say* She needs surgery
*Right when I they say "Surgery" I shake my head cause I'm scared*
*when they
*Looks at you*
*Looks at you and you can see the fear in my eyes*
*They asks* What's wrong
Kate, you need it.
Can you hold my hand and run your fingers through my hair as I'm having surgery
Yes, Princess.
Thank you, Angel
*We all go into the surgery room*
*Holds your hand*
*Your phone rings*
*Looks at you*
*I'm asleep*
*Looks at screen*
*The phone rings again*
*Hangs up*
*The doctors start the surgery*
*Holds your hand*
*An hour later they finish and I start waking up*
*They put a bandage on my arm that was attacked*
*The doctors says* She needs to be careful want she lifts up for a few weeks
*Stands and hugs*
Keely, who killed the dog that was attacking me
How'd you know that it's dead?
I can't remember how
Shadow did.
How did he know
*Juliet and Shadow walk in the room where we are*
*Looks at Juliet* How'd you know?
*Juliet says* I was walking to the park with some friend with Shadow and I saw the attack
Oh, alright.
*I look at my arm with the bandage on it* I'm sorry y'all saw me being attack by a dog
Don't apologise.
How come
*Hugs* You don't need to.
*Smiles* Let's go home.
*Smiles* Yes
*Smiles and we all go hom*
*Sits back in chair*
*Smiles at you*
Sit on my lap.
*Sits on your lap and smiles*
*Juliet says* Y'all know that y'all wanna kiss
*Holds you close and puts my mouth close to your mouth*
*Kisses back*
I wanna do more than this.
Me too
I know a way we can
I tell you tomorrow when I get back to the house somewhere around 1:00
I promise
Oh. Okay. Do you have to go now then?
No I don't have to go
Why won't you tell me now?
Cause I want it to be a surprise
Wanna video chat?
Keely, when we're having šex when we're living with each other, do you wanna get on top of me or do you want me to be on top of you
I thought your mom took away your laptop
Idk yet. We'll find out though. I think you tops though.
Do u wanna video chat
Yeah, she did but I have it back now.
Yeah. One sec. Let me get my laptop.
My step left again
he said he'll be back in an hour *Cries*
So no video chat?
We can when he comes back
How long are you gonna stay awake
K. I'm awake for a while.
How long though
Well it's only nine. I'll still up until like 2.
how many hours is that
Six I think.
Can you hold me *Cries*