look in the comments if you want


look in the comments if you want

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I have no idea how to start this so here it goes. I used think that I wanted to be depressed for some reason, I didn't know why, I know depression is a terrible thing. But a few months ago I realized that I didn't want to be depressed, I want to be comforted. I don't really have a reason to, so I've never asked anyone. I'm like really insecure about everything, and I know I'm probably being selfish, people have way worse problems then me and I'm complaining about my problems when I should be thankful that I don't want to fûçkîñg kill myself.
I'm also stressed about a school project rn even though it's spring break
I'll probably delete this in the morning lmào
are you alright, beautiful smol? ♡
It's ok, we are here for you! If u ever need any help just ask us!
thanks you guys, I just have some stuff on my plate rn and it's been kinda stressing me out
Ok I'm sorry this is really late but things will get better my friend okay! we are here for you 💕
Ha, thank you
òmfg local 9 year old is sick
lmào I deleted it