C'mon guys, try it!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚I'm such a fangirl it's sad


C'mon guys, try it!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚I'm such a fangirl it's sad

15 0
A racoon and a bluejay are doing a science fair project; they are making a baking-soda volcano. The volcano fails, but the team thinks they have succeded anyways
Good guess!
I would guess,but I have seen the movie,and the show
Can you pls give meh a shoutout? I just started this new account! You'll recognize my old one, but I'm using the old one more often then this one, but I need more followers, and I know you are a nice person.
Yay another fan😊
they have to make up a cheer on how volcanoes are awesome- and they are failing miserably and/or the volcano is a science project at which they failed at but they are proud anyway
Great guess!
Thanks so much for commenting! I was getting lonelyπŸ˜‚