Unless u wanna meet the Werehog, then don’t trash talk me or mess with my temper.


✨tap✨ Unless u wanna meet the Werehog, then don’t trash talk me or mess with my temper.

11 4
aww, pls don’t leave this app, u make me happy, the people who snoop are idiots and don’t know what they are doing :)
yea plz DONT leave u r amazing and Hod is not telling u to leave just block the a** holes so they can’t access it
I can’t speak for God, so plz keep listening to Him. BUT I can say personally I’ve benefited so much from all the encouragement you provide for other users! IMO, you def shouldn’t leave, but if God says otherwise then PLEASE listen to Him.
awe please don’t leave!
no please Don’t !,!! your the best person i’ve know in this year and Don’t say please that you are gona leave never ever say that!!
please don’t leave you’re amazing and just block the mean people
are you back?
No please don’t leave! i wanna collab with you!!! please don’t leave! :(