It was so problematic finding a pastel picture of Jinyoung 😂

Lyrics from Mayday (his song)

FOR animezing 💕💕 I hope you like thissss


🔮CLICK🔮 It was so problematic finding a pastel picture of Jinyoung 😂 Lyrics from Mayday (his song) FOR animezing 💕💕 I hope you like thissss

82 0
I LOVE THISS OMG + thank youuuuu 💜🌸
Hello beautiful being! I know spam is hatable so I won't do it:) I just came here to tell you that you are amazing and to ask you for a favor: please love and be yourself, it doesn't matter what people could think or say. Oh and thanks for existing btw. Have a wonderful day/night!💙✨
Katieeeeee i missed you so muchhhhhhhh