I'm back you guys!!! ❤️❤️


I'm back you guys!!! ❤️❤️

27 2
hey and nun just got a lot to do
yeah im going for a check up rn for my tumor that I had about a year ago just to make sure it’s not growing back and so I’m a little worried
am great just having depression that’s it
np I'm not to happy with it tho but hey welcome back!!!😘😘
haha it's ok
no it's fine and if you think it's good I'll keep it😘😘😘OF COURSE ID DO ANYTHING FOR A FRIEND😊😊😊xxx
thanks also it's up on my page xxx😘😘
go check it out xx😉😉😉
thanks for the likes x
I know it's not appropriate to ask about your personal life but how old are you if you don't want to tell me I totally understand!!'😘😐xx
how are you? x
my friend is currently here with me, ilk send a pic in a min she’s just in the loo😂😂
sorry my hairs really messy 😂
what do you think of our collab ?
I'm 13 lol x in high school also where do you live if you don't mind me asking? I don't want to sound creepy😳xxx😘
DAM that's where I wanna live it's so beautiful there I live in the uk sad times xx😘😂
I’m good ig u
😂😂😂u here. ??
okay Byee ttyl
ya ig 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔
ya ig I had the hospital I cut yesterday
nothing rly I just
seriously wow well xx 😘 talk tommorow then xx
nothing much hbu
hey. this is tom_holland but my main is tennisgirl28. I’m so glad ur back. first off one of my friends started telling people my best friend hated her and she was mean and she told me my best friend was ugly and she barely even knows her and I got really mad and now my other friend is telling me I’m mean for being mad abt it and is telling me to just get over it but she made my bff really upset for no reason and I can’t just let that go
also the friend I’ve told u abt before just keeps getting more and more rude but whenever I try to stand up for myself she tells me I’m mean and a b***h and it’s really getting old😭
not much just busy with school
Am back
look what I found in my library recent
of course am ok hehe…
um am getting viola and piano
ok I have depression and I um
yea. I just texted my friend that was talking abt my other friend and hopefully she responds soon. she’s the nicest friend I have at school and the last two days have been miserable without her. everyone else insults me and makes me wanna go home and cry and it’s just exhausting trying to keep making it seem like I’m fine and happy and stuff
u to bye
sorry for a short response lol i’ve just been really mentally tired lately
hey xx😘
same but I don’t know what pngs to add!
what are you up to x
I'm on a train right now on my way to Blackpool xx
well I'm going to Blackpool pleasure beach in the uk it's really good xx 😘
oh wow 😘xx it's about 15c here
haha I can talk for like an hour if your not busy x😘
aw thanks for the comment I tried my best
school is ok hbu
my friend responded and we are all cool now!!
yes x
oooo sounds super nice x
yup on the second train xx😘😘
oh that's nice of you well I hope they have a nice day out xx 😘
oh good that’s awesome
hey! how are you? x
I’m ok today just got out of gym and it’s like 90 degrees so. hbu
round 2 is up now
yeah I had math first period
rain sucks
hey just came of the rides waiting for train home xx
Hey! The 2018 Awards have entered nomination round #2! This is the final nomination round before the voting begins. Make sure to come nominate your idols, friends, and anyone you think deserves to win😁. Yes this is a copy and paste and I know you hate it but I’m a rebel so deal with it😎 jk you can block me if you want if this is annoying
sorry. I kinda use this account more than my main😂
no I don’t like what I got I think I did way better then a 5
yeah it’s scary how much he looks like him tbh 😂
haha okay
talking to my bf x
and having a sleepover at my mates xx it's 2:15am xx
yeah rain does that
math was ok I mean it’s never great
ima go to bed byeeee❤️
lol hey
don’t u just hate it when people take your pics and don’t give credit after working on it for AGES😤
hey it's 9:53am now I can talk 😊
do you have a bf
if you don't mind me asking xx😘
haha thanks !!
haha no it's fine I can tell you xx😘 his names james xx
sorry for late reply x I've known him all my life lol but we have been together for a year in November x😘
we went the same primary school then we went to different secondary schools but I got his number from when we were in primary and he lives about three streets away from mine lo lxx😘😂
kinda am back and Forth
aw thank u
I think you will get one soon and Wow five brothers! that's crazy I have one little brother and an older one that lives with my real dad x 😘
also I didn't ask you what's your name if you don't wanna say I understand xx😘
ok and bye need to go to school
haha x well I'm charlotte probably guessed from my username xx😘
do you have any sisters x and well that's good I go to an all girls school now so I can't make any friends who are boys and it's annoying because I usually make more friends who are boys that girls x😤😂😘
no but I like calling myself charl and o know what you mean I'd say I'm more a tom boy than a girl honestly hate make up and that xx😂😘
#fangirlmoment 😂
I miss Taylor's early days!!
yeah... It's a pleasure to meet you Abye! 😊💗
Haha! Thanks! I thought so! Getting ready to post a Kindness Challenge/Contest!
I’m in gym now lol
No one's ever thought of it before, so I'm super excited! The thing that stinks about coming up with ideas like this is I can never participate....LOL
As you can see the theme on my page right now is kindness :)
Is it just me or did someone leave a 50 paragraph message to me in Spanish....
OMG... A 50 paragraph witch craft message... Do you want to hear what it said?
Yeah.... LOL 😂😂😂😂😂
LOL thanks!
That's so weird.....
She said, "PRAYER FOR ME TO CALL YOU IN 10 MINUTES. (WHITE MAGIC) Think about the person you want to be with, say your name to yourself 3 times. Think about what you want to happen to this person in the next week and repeat it for you 6 times. Now think about what you want with that person and say it once. And now I gave Ray of light, I invoke you to dig up (YOUR NAME) where he is or who he is with and call him today in love and repentance. Unearth all that is preventing (YOUR NAME) comes to me (YOUR NAME). Share all those who help us to separate and only think of me (YOUR NAME) that he calls me .. Thank you, for your mysterious power that always fulfills what is asked for this I do it with a lot of faith. Then you have to publish the sentence three times, in three different places. Luck. (YOUR NAME) at this time in any place. At this moment you will put your concentration and your thoughts back on me (YOUR NAME) you understand that you can not live without me. At this moment you will begin to discard your pride. In this moment you are in dispose to call me. At this moment you are thinking about me (YOUR NAME)? You will try to resist. Do not resist. If you (YOUR NAME) do not call me now, you will call me later. But now you can be sure that you will call me. You understand that you are in love with me and you can not be without my presence. At this moment you think of me (YOUR NAME) I invoke the three angels, Miguel, Gabriel and Rafael, to illuminate your heart (YOUR NAME) and to undo any doubt. What Michael will expel near you is the spirit of evil, all the influences of evil. Gabriel to announce to you (HIS NAME) my name (YOUR NAME) that blow in your ear the word love and you remember me (YOUR NAME) announcement to your guardian angel. Rafael to use the healing balm to heal the distrust that has developed in your heart, and to keep open the scar of love and desire towards me (YOUR NAME) So be it. With all my love! When this message is published in two minutes she will have an irresistible urge to call me. It will yield to what I am waiting for you"
hey abye thanks for telling me and I know what you mean I'm not a typical girl 😘😘xx I'm gonna check it out thanks a lot sorry for such a late reply x
oh I looked and don't worry it's fine xx I checked it thanks for telling me tho you a really good friend do you have a nickname you would preferre me to call you xx
LEGIT... LOL What the heck???? It's so random too!!!
haha it's ok x would you prefer me to call you by a nickname you have if you have one?😘
haha ok sure!😘😊x
what are you up to x
should I make us a chat page on my page xx😘😊or do you wanna make it be x
LOL Well as you can see... there will never be a dull moment with me as a friend.... 😂😂😂
My brother is really creeped out....😂😂😂
I wonder if I'm the only one she sent that too..😂
LOL I can tell this is going to be an interesting friendship! 😂😂😂
no I'll make it I'm just in town at the moment lol I'll make it in a min x also what time is it where you live be xx
Ben lol
oh wow it's 3:49 here I know your gonna hate me but maybe could you make the chat page seeming I'm walking 😂😂xx if not just tell me x
LOL and no. I'm in the U.S.
It's 10:50 in the morning.
haha plays xx😘
thank you x
I know a lot of girls from Australia. I can introduce you.
That sounds like a dream I had the other night!!! LOL
Watch me write a book about that in the future!
We're all weird here...
text me when it's up xx 😘
okays xx😘
LOL sounds interesting actually! 😂
Yes, I do! see the account OnceUponAStory here on PC!
lol no! Truly interested! I'll tell you the dream in a sec! About to take a quiz!
hey abye! thanks so much, welcome back!
lol okay, so it was nearing the end of the world and the aliens had the few human survivors that remained in camps. Each camp had a number of buildings high up off the ground in an effort to prevent escape. A little bit higher than your average tree height. The aliens were about half as tall as the structures. Somehow, my brothers and I found a way to escape outside of the buildings. At night we carefully made our way down the structure and out of the camp. We made it to another camp where we found that some of the humans had partnered with the aliens and were conducting experiments on the minds of other human beings. We saw one of our friends in one of the testing facilities and developed a plan to break him out. Upon, breaking him out we all decided to form an alliance against the aliens. I woke up shortly after. lol
LOL Yes, he is! He has a great sense of humor too!
Will do! I've disconnected myself from normal people. LOL
lol he gave me a weird look but smiled. he was like...ok....thanks?... lol
He's younger than me but we are close in age.
School and Collaging.
I converted my textbook to audio so that I don't have to read it myself. lol
LOL thanks!! It helps me to relax and not stress about it.
lol that's multi-tasking!
hot. really hot
LOL no, not quite....
I'm getting a lot of job offers but am not sure what I want to do....
a writing job where I would basically be a blogger and get to work at home, a job at the local restaurant where I would get free food, or a job at the local play theater where I would help design the props etc.
yes 😒
Thanks!! That's actually REALLY helpful!! They've been offered.
Eurgh S.A.
no I meant dw😂
Be... I think I may have an issue!
I REALLY want my helix or second lobes pierced but my school doesn’t alow it
I may just get it anyway though...😂
I go back to school next weekkkkkk😤
I’m like, Kayleigh it’s just a TRYOUT don’t get your hopes up😂
I’m hoping I make it though !🤞🏻🤞🏻
few days when we get back to school I think
*after we
last time I tried out, I got hit in the face with the ball at one point! It’s a wonder I made the team 😂😂
I’m so annoyed as I wanted this hoodie and ofc they don’t have it in my size!!!
*midget struggles*
I’m currently Birthday shopping online 😂
myself 😂
taht sounds so bad
thank u soooo much for your lovee this means so much❤️
Talk to you tomorrow!!! Sleep Well BFF!
yeah Florida summers suck
yea I’m alright...
lol nope
if I’m ever talking to you too late then let me know !
not so and myself, just waiting for my Mum to come home so I can go and meet my friends (again)😂
but she take forever to do things ugh
it’s freezing todayyyy
she’s so slow at EVERYTHING like a mobility scooter probably goes faster that her walking around shops 😒
my days only just begun and Icba to do ANYTHING 😂 I’ve done my school pag and my kit so that’s good but now I just wanna go back to bed
I’m meeting my friends for the rest of the day and then I think I’m going to finish my book before having a yt marathon again 😂
your so lucky that your dad and Mum are around though
I’ve been going for a different reading style so I’ve been reading Olly Murs’ book about himself
I finished Wicked the other day too 😁
it’s okay 😄
it was a good book
I couldn’t forget u😘 just haven’t been on a lot lately
yea. school takes up a lot of time and I also do tennis and training and voice lessons and also gotta spend time with my friends and family so yea just a lot of stuff going on
I never get snow in Florida either
anyone there??
Tysm for the likes!💛💛
I’m at lunch at school lol
thankfully it’s Friday
i mean hot and rainy is my Florida summer so
oh haha that’s okay
nothing much... you?
what kind of music practice?
I am alright I guess thnx for asking
I am a music kid too lol so I get it
and lol it’s ok
and hold up... where do you live?
lol yup!!
I sing and play guitar
I would love to try other instruments and I also play piano
United States... New York
lol it’s 8:44 at night rn
yeah it’s pretty cool
lol course
hanging out.
can I ask your opinion on this collage? your really good at thinking of pngs to put on them!
^that one
okay 💗tysm
how’s it going?
Be, tySm! your honestly one of my best friends now and I don’t know how I coped for 5 DAYS without talking to you😳! your always here for me when I need someone to talk to, you literally spend your own time helping me with my edits...your just AMAZING! we have the weirdest conversations, I say a lot*that probably annoying you a lot ahahah* and your just a great bestie! couldn’t ask for anyone better😘 I’m hoping that writing this paragraph for you will hope you realise just how much I love you (friendo dhhh) and appreciate every little message you send to me!♥️lotta love from here in my messy bedroom 😂😁 xx
lol have you watched Star Wars?
read my last comment to patwo... and tell me who it sounds like.... LOL
lol she's basically been picking on me for years now....
for example, see her old account patoo1
she's never liked me for some reason...
Because I worked with Pic Collage at one point I guess... IDEK...LOL
lol guess you're right! <#
lol whoops held my finger on the shift.. <3
lol my "sith-y" comment had me laughing so hard....sadly I always felt a connection with the sith.....LOL
LOL ....everytime I walk down a long hall the sith song (Imperial March) always plays in my head..... SEE! I even know what it's called!! LOL
Have you seen those videos on YouTube how they make their own story or series using pics from the internet or clips from a movie?
Well have you seen "comic book" movies? How it'll be a comic not necessarily animated, But it will like move to different parts of the comic to tell the story?
I made that sound REALLY complicated... Lol
Sorry... I spaced out being nosy....ok.. so .... I can't think of one in particular........ an example would be "wattpad trailer" for the movie clips/picture thing.
I won't say the name but... I think "someone" (chill...it's not you..LOL) might be talking to a "fake guy" account... So I'm trying to see if I'm right.
Lol.... I don't do it on purpose... sometimes it can just be interesting... especially if it's someone you know and you see/hear them acting different than the person you know.
LOLOL .... I'm a legit batman freak... My Mom is always teasing me about it!
I had a funeral for my favorite pen once when it died....
lol day 576 stalking my friend...she.....is....still....at....McDonalds......What's this?!.......chicken nuggets?!............I KNEW SHE WASN'T A VEGETARIAN!!
I always thought it was hilarious when people compare PC to their offline life and be like...."In real life...." Like this is the Matrix....
I know! lol... I thought of your phone dying.... sad music started playing in my head..
old what? Star Wars or Batman? Yes to both though! lol and Spiderman!
LOL I'm SO sorry.... but when I first read it I thought you said the fish was being "all gross" and started laughing so hard..... lol That's sounds so gross... Reminds me of a boy I knew in middle school.....
LOL speaking of the Matrix.....long years of my life were spent sitting in a room alone with a spoon like..... there is no spoon, there is no spoon....waiting for it to bend.....
You can get top phones new really cheap on eBay if you know where to look...
LOL I say like a lot too even though it annoys one of my friends SO bad....lol I'll be like....so like... why don't you like it when people like...say like all the time....
The boy though...he was like 5? We found a dead fish during a nature trail....The dude jumps down to it...."WE HAVE TO SACRIFICE IT!!!" Sets it on a rock starts cutting it's heart out......
I was basically in charge of watching the children....I sat there just as horrified as the rest of the group..... Just kinda let him finish his ritual.... stayed back a ways...
Lol.....I discover a new emoji every week....even though they're like...right there in my phone... I've never seen that one!!! LOL
Makes me wonder what kind of household he was brought up in....
I remember this other five year old I was watching.... he's like... let me put on my favorite movie!!! His mom told me that's his favorite in advance so I was like yay ok................................ Dude puts on this movie........... In the first five minutes.... this guy gets stabbed like fifty times up close..................... Later in the movie this couple was kissing.... (lol why does that word make me cringe.... LOL) He put the scene on replay at least 5 times..... I told the mom....she just laughed.......................
lol my brother does that.... LOL
They hug...... with their mouths.........LOL
Yeah..... I'm that one friend that's never been in a relationship because I literally cringe at the thought of everything...
Talk to himself....
LOL I saw a movie like that but with aliens who came to earth....
I give like a high pitched growl when I'm annoyed.... It really creeps my Mom out and friends who don't know me.
LOL IDEK.....Yeah once! lol I think everyone sings to themself!! Lol I watched that too!!! FIVE BROTHERS?! Poor thing!!! LOL
The pilot episode. We switched to Prime for awhile so I haven't seen it lol
Probably and yeah...lol but we're both weird in our own ways so he loves me for it and supports my weirdness!!! lol
WOOW LOL and yeah he is! I actually like fandom nerds because they make me feel normal....
LOL I just realized how long your "hahah" was! Didn't realize you could swipe to the left....LOL
LOL That makes two of us!! Shocked at patwo trying to call me a homophobe...
omg hi qweennn