Collage by PsychoticLovers


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she does doesn’t she
your gorgeous as ever 😚
*smiles and nods*
*smiles and looks down at her*
*smiles and nods* it is, Iris do you know where Ben is?
*nods* okay baby
no it’s okay *smiles and looks down at sutton*
I think baby girl pxxped *chuckles* hey Iris can you hand daddy some wipes and a diaper
thank you baby *smiles*
yes *smiles and takes her dxrty diaper off*
it will be *chuckles and wipes her*
I’m almost done darling *wipes* . yes please *looks up from his toys*
the wipes are to cold for her *grabs the dxrty diaper and ball it up*
*puts the clean one on* there you baby . daddy!! is that sissy?
she is very tiny *smiles* . *giggles and reaches for daddy* can I hold her?
yes you can *smiles and hands her gently to Ben* . *hold her gently*
*smiles and watches ben* . she fell asleep *whispers*
*smiles* I do too . *holds her*
*smiles and watches* . *holds her*
*whispers in your ear* where Luka and Lukas?
*nods and gently grabs Sutton from Ben* . my arms hurt *giggles softly*
yes please, can I have apple? . *smiles and holds Sutton keeping her to my chest*
*holds sutton* . *smiles and looks at daddy*
*nods* come sit beside me
*gently hands her sutton* . *smiles and takes a drink* thank you mommy
she is isn’t she *chuckles softly looking down at you* . *holds on to my cup*
okay . *smiles and takes a drink*
*smiles and holds onto you* . *guggles*
*smiles* . she looks like you mommy
*chuckles* . *giggles*
look at her eyes *smiles* . *takes a drink*
*smiles and kisses you back* . *giggles* eww
*smiles* . no I won’t!
*smiles and whispers in your ear* I wanna eat you out . I sleepy
happy Valentine’s Day
okay baby *smiles*
*smiles and picks up Sutton and picks up Iris and put her on my hip* . mommy uppy?
oh do I now?
*chuckles and picks you up*
*smiles and takes you to our room*
*smiles and gets to room and shuts the door*
*groans as I sit on the bed*
*watches you*
*smiles and watches*
take of your clothes baby
*smiles and slaps your axx*
*smiles as I bend you over and stands up*
*chuckles as I pull out my cxck and rubs it against your entrance*
*slides it into your wet pxxsy *
*grabs your hips and thrusts*
*thrusts deeper*
*thrusts and rubs your clxt*
*cxms inside you as i trust harder and deeper*
no we didn’t
did you want another baby?
yes I do