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I know that number isn't that high but that's only accidental deaths. You should've seen the number for suicides caused by firearms ๐Ÿ˜“ -K


Click Here I know that number isn't that high but that's only accidental deaths. You should've seen the number for suicides caused by firearms ๐Ÿ˜“ -K

58 0
just because someone kills themselves with a gun doesn't mean guns are dangerous. people also kill themselves with pills. so should we ban pills too??
About 85% of suicide attempts with a firearm result in death while drug overdose (the most common form of suicide attempts) is only fatal to less than 3% of people who overdose
I'm so indecisive with gun control, because I want the bad guys banned from it, but then again how do a defend myself?ยฟ (*answers self*: uses bow and arrows) We could all become archery Jedi. No but seriously I do feel that there are many ways to meet the ends of killing without guns, and I feel like I need the protection to make myself feel safe in this country. But I understand you view point.
*your and *I gosh darรฑit I can't type
Sorry I'm still for guns because in the south We gotta be ready to kill wild dogs and high crime rates and break ins
I love your account!
i have a question. how old are you?
I would like to know the numbers for 2014 and 2015 as well.