Wanna see the ugly me and evil me or what !?


Wanna see the ugly me and evil me or what !?

7 2
Todd: Jade didn’t deserved to be shot!
kawaii chan : I agree
Shadow Mangle: do I give a shįt !? no !
Todd: well I do!
Shadow Mangle: and ?!
kawaii chan : shadow mangle you should stop being rude
Todd: yeah
Shadow Mangle: your mother will kill me if I said this but shut up u bïtch u don’t deserve to be alive
Todd: *gem glows teal, grows purple horns*
Shadow Mangle: what r ganna do het mad and try to use spells on me that r not ganna work !? well good luck
Todd: *turns into a monster *
Shadow Mangle: uuuuu I’m so scared
Todd: *roars*
Shadow Mangle: does it look like I give a fûck !?
kawaii chan: oh no
Todd: *blasts Shadow Mangle*
shadow Mangle: so ?
Shadow Mangle: I’m still a shadow !
Todd: *uses telekinesis to throw Shadow Mangle everywhere *
Shadow Mangle: still a shadow I’m not in a body 😏
Todd: but this affects your soul *blasts her & throws her around more*
kawaii chan: *hides in the corner *
Todd: I’ll hold Shadow off while you run to safety
kawaii chan :ok *runs away*
Todd: *the blasting & throwing Shadow around gets faster*
Shadow Mangle: were do u little cat think your going !?
Shadow Mangle: Thx Todd u gave me an idea * teleports with Kawaii chan *
kawaii Chan: oh ummmm hi *gets nervous *
Todd: *teleports To Kawaii chan* Kawaii Chan! Shadow’s after you!
kawaii chan : *runs really fast*
Todd: *blasts Shadow*
Shadow Mangle: got u * teleports and leaves with Kawaii chan *
kawaii chan :ahhhhh