


16 2
no I don't have a snapchat sadly
lol the second one 😂😂
lol you boys and your sizes 😂😂 Personality is what I go for, not what's in the pants 😂😉
I'll remember that 😂😂🔥 Booiii let me tell you, if you want da Gurl, you tell her how bootiful she is and give her the attention like a princess, THATS how you get da Gurl 😂😂 Everything else is just an extra bonus to the package 😂
Dang you are quite the flirter 😂😂💕
Love, that will all come soon, you'll find that girl who'll work it good, just wait till you're older and married for goodness sake 😂💦💕
Haha you serious boi? How old are you anyway? 😂😂
Suuuuree you do 😂😂 Prove it
Jkjk 👌🏻😂 You pubescent boys theses days...
Hmm.. So tempting 😂💦💕💕
No no no! That's not the way to go 😂😂 Tell me, have you actually done it with a girl?
In my opinion, it's good to stay pure, yeah, a bit looked down on these days, but it will be extra special if you wait for that perfect one
Hmm I gotchu 👌🏻😉💕
Do you have a girl in real life?