Congrats if you read all that, IK it's a lot. So I'm probably gonna get some hate for this, actually I already have, but that's okay, I want to put my view out there.


Congrats if you read all that, IK it's a lot. So I'm probably gonna get some hate for this, actually I already have, but that's okay, I want to put my view out there.

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this... ...makes a lot of sense actually
ik i hate those type of feminists... feminism is about the equality of sexes and whoever sees it as women>men is wrong...
yes ikr this troubles me too! if this continues, somewhere in the future there’ll be protests for men and then there won’t ever truly be equality isn’t it? 😞
I’m not talking about what the media views feminists as, I’m talking about what it REALLY means. Of course the media is talking about all the bad aspects to feminism, people generally pay more attention to the negatives. So yes feminism is an AMAZING thing with a few bad aspects, the problem is some people only see the bad.
And the thing is, yes feminists do talk about how great women are, but that doesn’t mean we’re saying men are bad at all. Women have suffered and still are suffering from sexism, men never did it the past and rarely do in the present. So other feminists and myself want women to be treated equally. I love to celebrate how amazing women are, dosent mean I don’t think men are great to, it just means I understand that women have gone through a hêll of a lot more than men.
Lmâo, feminism really isn’t a problem about women being treated as more than men. It’s about raising awareness to the fact that men are treated as more than women, and they aren’t more, they’re equal.
Well ya if you don’t support equality between men and women you are sexist.
I don’t really want to talk to you anymore, so if you could just stop commenting on my account that would be great.
Re/ Oh no, this question😂I definitely support equal rights for both genders, but I’m a little iffy about feminism
I don’t consider myself a feminist, but like I said, I support equal rights 100%.
I agree with this post so much! Especially with what you said about the reverse words thing. Preach!😄
makes sense - but you should check out some of Emma Watson's speeches
they REALLY promote equality and stuff