: t a p :
so, i'm sick. it's just a cold but i feel terrible and my mom is making me go to church :/ how are you guys doing?


: t a p : so, i'm sick. it's just a cold but i feel terrible and my mom is making me go to church :/ how are you guys doing?

21 0
YEET now i don't have to go XD
hey!!!! Get well soon fren :P Also I'm on a computer now so we can talk! And I didn't ignore your remixes, it's just my tabl;et worked normally for like 10 mins but that was it... I wanted to respond I promise, but I couldn't :/ I'll answer in the comments though!
Oh and btw your mun reeeeaaally reminds me of my grandma, lol
Oh and btw your mun reeeeaaally reminds me of my grandma, lol