Feel so bad😔 can't sleep cause of all the pain I can't say what hurts more my belly or my broken heart😔


Feel so bad😔 can't sleep cause of all the pain I can't say what hurts more my belly or my broken heart😔

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Hello!!🌙I just want to let you know that you're beautiful/handsome, and you make a difference on earth🌎 I want positivity spread across the world. If you see people in public who looked depressed or upset, don't judge them because you don't know what's going on in their life👻you don't know the reasoning. Stop the bullying👊 stop the hate💀 by the way your account is AMAZBALLS!!! it's unique in its own way, and so are you😋😘Have a happy day/night!! ~Bubblegummey
woah woah wait, back up
Yw, Can you explain the caption plzz
Olm😭😭😭Sometimes I feel that way too, when its just you, ugh it's horrible! but I hope it'll get better soon💖
Oml* not olm
Mia it's ok don't let anyone or anything bring you down- you are AMAZING
just look at some holo 😘
my broken heart hurts more
it's ok