Q & A Go ahead and ask me anything.


Q & A Go ahead and ask me anything.

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how are you today? =^^=
I'm quite lovely, thank you 😊
Why do you always use the chicken? Not that I mind it, I think its cute!
It's a running joke I've had with my cousin. We bought matching chicken pajamas, wore them in public, made puns, and thought it was hilarious. Also, I like birds in general. I relate to chickens, a cowardice bird. 🐔
Oh, well alrighty then! That's cute and creative ^^ And chickens are very cute!
Favorite (anime) character from any show? Guilty pleasures?
Oooooo that's a tough one.. I really like Al and Gluttony from Fullmetal Alchemist. Guilty pleasures? YoI dousing
doujin **