Another one. On Valentines Day 17 students and teachers had their lives snatched from them. I'm so saddened and so angered at the same time; this shouldn't be a regular occurrence. The least I can do is pass on their names. 
(all art credit to artist)


Another one. On Valentines Day 17 students and teachers had their lives snatched from them. I'm so saddened and so angered at the same time; this shouldn't be a regular occurrence. The least I can do is pass on their names. (all art credit to artist)

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What happened?
That’s terrible.... I can’t believe someone would do that! I haven’t exactly had the best week. I live in Minnesota, and there’s been a recent accident. A fifteen year old in ninth grade that went to my school died, I wish I could’ve known him.... Life is too short, his family and friends are in my prayers 😭🙏🏻💔
Although I hadn’t known him personally, it’s very emotional and hard to take in. Thanks ☺️💕
that's so sad