I HATE that people say she is racist. UGH #WhatHasOurWorldBecome


I HATE that people say she is racist. UGH #WhatHasOurWorldBecome

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that's horrible!! it makes me so freaking mad 😑😑😑 the wildest dreams video is perfect, no doubt, so people just need to back off 😑😀
haters. people think in "Wildest Dreams" have a bad mind. some haters out there hate in TaySwift. (idk why) so I guess she just "Shakes it off"
RACIST? These people are out of their minds!!!!!
Some of her dancers from past tours have had dark skin.
And when they didn't, it was still no big deal. What happened if no darker skinned people auditioned for a role in it?
wildest dreams was prefect, how would she be racist? she is the most beautiful and kind person ever! she would never be racist!
I agree with all of u!! she isn't racist. people think there weren't enough "black" people when she was in Africa.. 😑😑😑
how is racist? I don't get this people who call her racist
that video was awesome and perf as she showed smth real in the movie business I guess
there is nth wrong wif that beautiful song and vid
ik it's so beautiful and she put so much effort into it
that's ridiculous people are just saying that to just hate on her
I KNOW!!!!! 😑😑
tysm for the follow 😊it means a lotπŸ˜„πŸ’•
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ok then... I think many people "throw" that word around not know what it means.. I don't see how she's "racist" but I haven't seen the music video (don't know if has anything to do w/ it but :/// )
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