I actually like this one...


I actually like this one...

10 0
I like it too, the majestic Josh Dun really tops it off
Ikr??! I wanted to put his face on the Statue of Liberty but couldn't find what I wanted and I thought that would kinda to ms. libs so just did the little josh in the corner...👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😊😊👍🏻👍🏻
sounds like a good self compromise XD though him as the Statue of Liberty would be quite a sight
that would but what if the president was chillin and then decided to go on pc and check out my things (because I'm amazing and everyone loves me, of course) then saw this and said,"I feel offended in the slightest bit". BOOM!! the FBI is all over me and next thing you know, after years of hiding, I die an old childless maid living in a cardboard box because of one thing I was doing for fun....
That sounds a bit drastic, but proves a good point. I see, you gotta be safe.