tap here
please don't ask to adopt her right away!


tap here please don't ask to adopt her right away!

10 40
hey Cutie pie 💋
how are u Cuttie
what's up princess
wish I could adopt u I have a bed for u rn
i don't weally know you that well
do u want to
wes sure
I'm 19 I'm a model I love go to thr beach I have a big house and I have a sister I have 3 dog and cats
oh coowl
do u want to get some Ice cream with me angel
ok take my hand it's okay
*holds your hand*
I say want kid ice cream do u want
vaniwa with wainbow spwinkles
one vanilla with rainbow sprinkles
and all have chocolate with rainbow sprinkles
*smiles shyly*
hands them the money hands u your ice cream had sit u on my lap
i can sit by meshself. mesh is a big girl.
I sit down wand md go hold your ice cream
*licks ice cream*
ur soo cute wish I was your mom
mesh still doesn't weally know woo
ok I bring you back and I cry and I walk away
where she going *shrugs*
I look at the pic of you and I cry more
welp mesh is abandoned again
nooo all take her i can't let u do this all talk her plz 😭😭
mesh needs more time
plz I know she didn't know when I meet her she soo cute she need a good home I can give her that has a run
mesh has a lot of people talking to mesh wight now. i need to think about it.
hewwo *waves* wan be my fwiend? *smiles shyly*
yay! *grins* I dalton. what your name?