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i never do things like this but i’m insecure and wanna know what u guys think hehe🤍 be 100% honest and also go listen to selfish by madison beer it’s literally my favorite song ever omg
post from @SophLoaf72 go give her some love on her post!!
ari: you are an incredible person and you are always so nice to everyone including me. you have an incredible music taste and you’re very very fUnnY 🤪you’re an amazing period and ilysmmmm 💖💗💕 you are amazinggggg 🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
amazing person not period ajakansjaj
your such an amazing person!!🥰 your so talented and sweet and kind😘🥰💚💙
you are such a fun person to be around, I can’t even stress this enough come to Australia, because I’m sure all of auStraliA could do with your sense of humour right now🤡I’m not good at speeches but we love you and never stop being yourself💛
Omg where to begin? So freaking talented, like you have so much to offer to everyone on this app in terms of what you post. But you’re also so effortlessly kind. Like it’s one thing to say someone’s a nice person but it comes so NATURALLY to you and it’s so refreshing. You’re encouragement and support makes everyone feel thoroughly appreciated for all the hard work they put into their posts, I hope we can do the same for you💞
I know right Tate McRae is literally the best!! she’s gonna get so famous one day!
i love you so much ari. you are so talented and sweet and i love you angel!!
omg how did you know I could do that? wIzaDrY
yeah I know right!! it will be great to know that when she gets big, we will have known her before that!
NO PROBLEM😄😄😄❤️❤️❤️
bro I would cry too
everyone is way too nice 😤💖💕
you are so kind and supportive and loving of everyone and ur so talented urself and snenwkwkwjwnwnww love yyyou. keep it up🔥
I'm going to try not to write a 56 page essay but we'll see 😅 the things you comment on my collages honestly make me smile every. single. time. you are so wonderful and kind, while still being light hearted and hilarious. that's what I love about you 💓
ofc Ryan is the 👏 best 👏
bro i friggin love you🥺🥺🧡
thank u✨✨✨
tbh i don’t know u that well, but ur so easy to talk to have a beautiful personality. ur so kind and i see ur positive comments on other posts and i smile :) ur cool and i hope we can talk more💜
ARIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I don’t know what to say I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHHH 🥺🥺🥺 I’m gonna cry you’re to sweet ahoabajahsjsjsj I love youuuu my goodness you’re so sweet wth I will never stop talking about this ever 🥺🥺🥺💕💗💗💗💖💓💞🥰🥰
stop you’re like actually sO amazing you are literally the sweetest person on this app hands down no question illlyyyy
iNHALES OK SO HERE WE GO😤😤😤 u are legit one of my favorite people here hAnds doWn🙌🙌🙌 nO cAp🚫🧢 talking time u is such a highlight of my day🥺🥺🥺 ur so funny and u make me smile so so so much (watch out daniel i might be coming to steal my friend back from him👀👀👀) like obviously it’s no question that shawn was all over you- HOW COULD HE NOT BE WHEN IN FRIMT OF HIM IN THIS WHOL AŠS ÁNGEL 😤🙌👏💕 ur incredible TRULY INCREDIBLE i don’t know how to stress that enough🔥💗💖 ilysm girlie ok? if u ever need ANYTHING don’t hesitate im always always always here for you🥺💕💞 ur do insanely talented it’s UNREAL👏👏👏 omg ur acc is actually GORGEOUS and also all the little details u put into like announcement and appreciation posts- like i hope to be as creative at u someday 🥺💕💖💗👀 tysm for being the amazing human that is urself~ ilysmmmmmm💫
that is False ma’am I am Sorry
like omg it’s getting hot in hereeee🥵🥵🥵
nAh iTs bC wE tUrnEd uP thE vOLumE oF uR pLaYLisT
omggg ari that’s so sweet😂✨ can i call you ari btw?
oKay whErE dO i stArt
literally you are so kind to everyone you come across and you make everyone feel so welcome😢🥺 your taste in music and artists is FIREEEE BTW🔥🔥⚡️
also your personality is just so simple and raw and beautiful, i don’t know if that made any sense but you’re so amazing never change ily🤩
bro you know what would be so cool
if we scheduled a pc road trip
like we choose a few of our best friends on here and we drive around and pick everyone up and just have a gOoD time
like I probably wouldn’t actually be able to for a LoNg TiMe ehehe but it would be S O F U N
we could get snacks 😎😎 and watch movies hehehehe
YOURE SO FREAKJNG TALENTED AND SUCH A KIND AND OVERALL AMAZING HUMAN AND ILYSMMM❤️❤️ you deserve every single kind comment you get and more!! never stop being yourself🥺💞
aWwW what I was so not a big account😤
Thank you!!!✨
YOU ARE SUCH A WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING ITS CRAZY. you have supported me for the longest time and i’m so grateful for that. you are so kind and i love talking to you. You make me smile with like every comment. Never stop being yourself because you are amazing and you being so much positivity to this community. ❤️❤️❤️
omg thanks sm!! 😌❤️❤️
you are the sweetest
it would be so fun
wE coUld bRinG aLl tHe raNch
yES and get Brady to try ranch on pizza again
YOU ARE THE GREATEST FRIEND ANYONE COULD ASK FOR! You are always here for me and I really appreciate it. You are so kind and we have great conversations! I really would change you; you’re perfect just the way you are!!
thanks girl!🧡🧡🧡🥴
pshhh we don’t even do algebra she just explains homework
but it’s better than actually doing hw 😤✋
you have SO MANY WHAT
I am praying for your wellbeing 😔✋
tell my why when my algebra meeting ended it said “recording saved to Microsoft stream” and j thought it said “recording saved to Micheals store” I’m- 😭
miCheaLs sTore 😎😎😎
I stan: you too
noh noh ily moreee🥺💓💫⚡️✨
thank u sm!!💞💞
ah dudeee that sucks 😔😔✋ that is noT groovy
we stan eaCHOthEr
so what have you done so far today
a SONG woW taLent
I did school work, had some goldfish, sat outside with my sisters, and now I’m just sitting in my room lol
that’s the biggest mood
goldfish are on another level
the other night I took a plate of goldfish to bed and I kept getting out of bed to get goldfish, and lets just say that when everyone woke up they where wondering what happened to the goldfish
take a shot every time I said goldfish in that sentence 🤡
I meant a shot of oRanGe jUiCe sMh
we don’t drink in my good Christian piccollage comments section 😤✋
actually apple juice is better so you might wanna grab that
what if pic collage did like a vid con but for pic collage
like we all get to go and meet each other
same 🤡🤡
I did that once and mad a pretty rad song so,,, if you see me at #1 on the billboard charts don’t be alarmed
made * not mad pshhh
omg what if I am 😳😳
you’re right I wouldn’t 😔✋
I’m eating pizza with ranch rn
what do we want? RANCH !!!!/!-$ when do we want it? 2 👏 4 👏 / 👏 7 👏
I just made a beat oN gaRage bAnd so
yess 😂☺️
when you hear me on the radio don’t be alarmed 😌
good 😎😎
so what are you up to
ahajsjsjjw I’m taking a math test rn on khan academy but I’m using mathway and brainly abaha
it’s true I’m a cheater 😔
well I hope you did well!!!
it IS pawsible 😂🐶
hehe np
any plans for the rest of the day
I am currently procrastinating as my homework is sitting right in front of me