Collage by my_perfect_life


73 1
that's great! u should go slow with him but say yes if he asks u out.
ya I will
some advice, I dated my BFF since I was 3 and it broke my heart when he broke up with me .Now he acts like I'm invisible which is sad bc we had a lot of good times 😰 so just be careful
omg thank you so much! I'll be really careful!!!
np and I care so that's all😘✨❀️
If your best friend cares for you she/he will understand your feelings. Just explain the situation. Oh just remember no boy is worth a ruined friendship!πŸ˜ƒ
Tell me how things work out!πŸ˜ƒ
thank you!
ooooh my gosh!!
I'm not good at this stuff but I'll try: be yourself and don't overwhelm him. ask your friend. if she's ok, you will be.
ya I'll try, thanks!!!
love it all of that is true
trust me I have been through a lot of love issues so just be yourself and don't let anyone change you