Feminists are not very bright when it comes to some things.


Feminists are not very bright when it comes to some things.

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or " teach this teenage white girl to have real common sense"
what does me being white have anything to do with my intelligence?
the Muslim one. I don't understand. bc not all Muslims do that
"never mind if they're men or women" WHAT????
These are all just horrible generalizations and stereotypes
Instead of men it should be everyone, instead of Muslims, it should be everyone, and instead of females it should be everyone
But it should be taught that rape is wrong, not just ignored, and the victims of rape shouldn't be blamed for it
a lot of the "victims" of rape lie to get money out of their "rapist". it has happened many times before.
how dare you say that about the Muslim religion
and why is it so bad to teach men not to rape
*and women
it's amazing how you claim to be a Christian, then attack people for their different beliefs, be completely unloving, and act superior because of your opinions. I don't believe that's what God would want. everyone's a sinner, but God still loves everyone. if you want to share your opinion and help people change in His name, but insulting them is just going to push them away. I really want to be nice to you, but your disrespect for anyone who thinks differently than you is extremely off-putting.
also, rape isn't really ignored, but nothing's really done about it. 3% of rapists are ever convicted, and many victims are too afraid to press charges because of people blaming them instead of helping. and trust me, I know. my mom used to work for Traffick911, an organization that helped prevent and raise awareness of sexual assault, trafficking, etc. I've heard all kinds of stories from girls who are still trying to get justice.
just because I'm a Christian doesn't mean I have to agree with everybody.
first of all there's a difference between disagreeing with someone and being rude to them. you are the latter time and time again
second, thanks for ignoring the entire rest of my comment. I would love to debate with you. but you always refuse to do anything but ignore it or insult me.
I've debated with you in the past and it was very unpleasant. you're the one leaving comments on my page. if you don't want me to respond rudely, then don't comment in the first place.
guys, all of these statements in the post are inaccurate generalizations. that's the point. what she's trying to say is that not all men are racists, and she's not wrong
*rapists autocorrect is killing me
I'm leaving comments on your page because I want to debate. we've never debated. you've insulted me for voicing a different belief, but that's hardly debating. you've complained many times that people are just rude to you and no one wants a civil discussion, and then when someone tries to have one, you try and justify your rudeness. in the end, you're just proving my point about how you claim to be doing this in God's name, and then disobeying his simplest of requests - to be kind and love thy neighbor. we all make mistakes, and we're all sinners, and in the end a rude comment or two on pic collage doesn't keep Jesus from your heart, but I just ask that you check your attitude and quit belittling those who disagree
I'm only rude to the people who are rude to me first.
are you willing to address the rest of the comment or will you just keep saying that again and again?
here's what I thought about the rest of that comment- it was hypocritical.
so it's ok for you to bully people for differing opinions just because I call you out on your cràp?? yeah way to represent God's ways 👏🏼👏🏼
as far as I'm concerned abortion or stealing people's money isn't God's way either, but you still support that.
stealing people's money??? when tf did I ever say a thing about that???
^if you're a liberal, you support the government taking people's money.
I'm not liberal.
You're not understanding why this phrase is targeted at men, usually women are taught "not too wear short skirts" and "not to leave drinks at the bar" and to "not walk alone at night". men don't get "taught" that and so that's why when the phrase was reversed it targeted men as being the 'rapïsts' why isn't necessarily true in all cases but is relevant to where it came from
so you agree that all men are rapists and not one single woman has ever raped anyone?
did you read what I said??
yes, I read it. and it made no sense whatsoever.
here's the bottom line- that phrase came out of the feminist movement.
it's relevant to the fact that men aren't taught to do things to "prevent being raped" whereas women ARE. therefore if women are taught how tk percent rapè, then surely men should just be taught not to rape.. - again one regards to the PHRASE. I am not saying all men are räpists and that women are always the victim.
how to prevent*
once again- the phrase came from feminism.
You're not reading my comments properly.
Either that or your just extremely ignorant.
That's a totally immature way to end an argument.
calling me "extremely ignorant" is also a totally immature way to end an argument.
I didn't end the argument there, as you can see in the responses.
well then technically I didn't end the argument either, since we're still talking.