ok so basically, i’m extremely bored right now and decided to start it. you can honestly just be in any house you want because i’m way too lazy to set everything up. if there’s too many people in a house, i’ll change it. 
xoxo -bella😘


ok so basically, i’m extremely bored right now and decided to start it. you can honestly just be in any house you want because i’m way too lazy to set everything up. if there’s too many people in a house, i’ll change it. xoxo -bella😘

8 0
grace walked into the school and couldn’t help but smile. she’d always been told about hogwarts by her father, and had been her countless times. but now, it was her turn to become a witch.
noah ran into school, catching up to grace. “wait up! mom and dad said we have to stick together you know.”
evelyn nearly fell over milo and stumbled into someone. milo snorted
grace looked back and saw a girl with red hair. she must be a weasley! grace walked away from her brother and waved to the girl. “i’m grace,” she said.
noah sighed and kept walking.
“she must be a weasley!”
evelyn stumbled into noah and shrieked
grace smiled. “my dad said a couple of you would be coming here this year,” she said, looking around for noah.
“sorry!” noah said, looking over to evelyn.
“no, my fault. sorry.” evelyn muttered, straightening out her robes
iM hErE qUeeN
milo fiddled with his tie and mumbled spells to himself because he’s a weirdo
milo got frustrated because james bumped into him and yelled a spell
grace nodded. “yeah,” she said.
a cricket meowed in the distance
“it’s alright,” he said. “i’m noah potter,”
“nO. dOnT bE. yOu. ARe. sHuNnEd.” milo said
“oh a potter? cool. evelyn longbottom.”
“i wAs jOkIng.” milo yelled. “wAiT..cRaZy KiD? GaSP.” milo screamed
baha YES
“iM fEeLiNg AtTaCkED.” milo replied
“yeah, we are,” she said with a smile. she hadn’t realized that.
noah smiled. “have you ever been here before? before now?)
“yeah. my dad works here and he decided to be stupid and got bit badly by a mandrake so we had to come pick him up. it was actually a couple years ago, he still has a scar.” she paused. “sorry, that was too much. have you?”
noah smiled. “definitely not too much, from what my dad has told me about what happened to him in school,” he said. “i’ve been hear more times than i can count.”
“really? does harry-mr.potter teach here?” evelyn asked.
“he used to, i think he helped with the quidditch team sometimes and flying class,” she smiled. “he doesn’t anymore though, he wanted noah and i to have a fair shot.”
“gryffindor,” grace said proudly.
“bLesS yOu aNd yOUr FamIly.” milo spat.
wait she smiled
is she talking to someone else what
**he smiled **wanted a fair shot for grace and i
“oh. well dad, ahem, professor longbottom, does not care. he’d gladly embarrass milo and i.” evelyn muttered
has anyone ever read warrior cats? because i’m thinking of making a cats role play but not warrior cats like humans. and they have to hunt for everything and there’s healers and kits and stuff
“oh he doesn’t care about embarrassing us,” noah said. “he just didn’t want kids to think we had any advantage having harry potter as a father. he said he may come to teach us flying a couple times, though.”
no i haven’t
“dads done one thing, killed a horcrux. that’s it.”
“loNgBoTtOm.” milo yelled
Markus walked in, eyeing he area. He wrapped a flower fine around his finger, and glanced at the people around him.
heyy sal.
“well, that’s good..” noah said.
“that’s great!” she smiled. “i’m glad to not be going alone,” she said.
Markus took a seat at a empty table, and took out a thread and some flowers, and began making a flower crown under the table.
“true. but no one really.. whatever. what house are you hoping to be in? gryffindor?” evelyn asked
brb. getting carvel heheehe
“gAh! i declare pEaCe!” milo said, raising an eyebrow at this weird flower boy named markus
Markus looked at Milo and James, he shrugged and continued making his flower crown.
“pEeeACe!” milo shrieked. “oh, okay. i’m milo.”
guess who walked in. another longbottom walked in!
“james. h0ww sNazzY!” milo replied
they keep breeding
julia came in, beaming.
“nO, YoU wEasLeY.”
“wEll..iM ProUd tOoOOOo.” milo yelled
“sorry.” milo whispered
“i could disagree but sure!” milo replied
i’m backckkckck
“want to check out the dorm rooms?” grace suggested.
noah nodded. “yeah, you?” he asked.
“potato?” milo asked
“oh, cool,” noah said.
“yep! do you play quidditch?” she asked. julia observed her surroundings
i will hahaha
“oh!” milo said
grace smiled as they walked up the stairway. she opened the door to the gryffindor dorm room. many different people of all different years milled about.
“i-um..i’m fine.” milo said awkwardly
“did you just deflate a potato?”
i just realized i have no idea what your name is. what is it lol.
oh my
“i-okay then.” milo shrugged
grace smiled and walked over to the dorm room they would be staying in. grace’s bed already had her suitcase on it, and a letter from her father. she smiled. “this is where i usually stay when we come to visit here,” she said.
i’m sorry😂 i just realized i never asked😂forgive me?💛🥔
“classes start tomorrow. the welcome feast starts at 7:00, i think,” she said, beginning to open the letter.
“anyways, what house are you? i’m ravenclaw” he said
Markus walked about, and placed a flower crown upon his head.
noah walks over to his sister’s room. “you’re lucky dad isn’t here yet. he would’ve had your head for us splitting up.” he looked over to Avión.
julia looked at markus. “what flowers are they?” she asked
mArkUs bEinG amBuShEd
milo face palmed.
evelyn sighed and went up to her dorm and flopped on her bed
Markus looked at James and Lily with raised eyebrows, “There tulips, and thank you.” Jack shrugged
*Markus shrugged not Jack oops 😂😂
grace rolled her eyes. all of a sudden, the lights flickered, and shut off. all of the lights in hogwarts shut off. “ugh, this again,” grace sighed. “lumos!” she said, and soon enough the other gryffindors’ wands flickered on.
‘and lily’
noah sighed. “James, right? i saw him on the way in,” he said, nodding to Avión.
Markus watched the lights shut off one by one, he flinched. “what happened?” he muttered, gripping his wand tightly, “lumos,” he whispered to his wand, but his wand wouldn’t light up. Markus scowled.
“oo tulips! that’s neat.” julia said, yawning
yeah i was a little confused there. hARRYS PARENTS ARE ALIVE AGAIN UES PLEASE
evelyn got scared and hid under her covers. “lumos” julia muttered and her wand lit up
milo screamed and cast lumos
“my dad told me this has been happening a lot lately. something with the electricity..” she sighed. “i don’t believe that excuse though.”
Markus looked at his wand, it wouldn’t light up. “tuRN oN.” he mumbled to his wand, he then threw his wand to the ground as it was useless.
“you’re dumb.” julia said simply. “you can’t throw your wand on the floor, it could break.” she picked it up
“sHaT uP-“ milo grumbled.
noah cast lumos. “neither do i,” he said. he checked his watch as the lights slowly came back on. “we better get to the welcome feast.”
“who said you aren’t dumb?” markus muttered, taking his wand. “apparently, this wand doesn’t like me.”
milo and evelyn headed for the great hall and sat next to each other
“is it a hand me down?” julia asked, starting towards the great hall. “and if it’s not, you’ll fit into it. maybe.” she added
grace nodded. “if it makes you happy, i’ll stay with you you big baby,” she muttered to noah on their way out.
noah and grace sat next to each other at the feast, across from james and avión.
“hello,” grace replied. // “hey,” noah said.
Markus shrugged, and went to sit next to Grace. He bent his wand slightly and threw it in his backpack.
evelyn shook her head at a random extra.
dumbledore made a speech blah blah blah blah and everyone began eating. 🥔🥔🥔🥔
julia shook her head and sat across from a hufflepuff. IS ANYONE HERE A RAVRNCLAW OF A HUGGLEEPUFFUFJSSK
Markus looked at his plate of potatoes, and promptly threw it in the trash. He took a granola bar out of his pocket and ate it.
grace dug in, and couldn’t stop thinking about the letter her dad left. it was all that was on her mind.
evelyn ate and so did milo and julia wow
dOn’T diSrEsPeCt ThE pOtAtO
oOo I will
yesss sallll
also guys, if your parent has a part in your characters story line you can play them. or ask someone else to. whatever floats ur boat.
Markus flinched, as something touched him. The room filled with black smoke, Markus coughed. Through the smoke a phrase was formed, ‘he has arrived and shall bring destruction upon this school, Voldemort’s apprentice.’
“frick! not again.” julia mumbled. milo screamed and evelyn ducked
julia pulled out her wand and became defensive hisss
Markus screamed, he knew his father was involved with Voldemort. He hoped, his father didn’t strike a deal with him.
milo didn’t trust himself with his wand so he got a steak knife
Markus looked at his bent wand, and threw it at the smoke.
his fathers totally gonna strike a deal with him. “shut up! i can hear something.” julia yelled at markus
“crud...” grace muttered, backing up from markus.
“i hear it too. it’s like a hiss.” milo said quietly
i will try to set up #garkus
Markus scowled at Julia, and elbowed her. He couldn’t see through the smoke, he coughed. He felt another touch on his arm, “heLP.” he said between coughs.
does anyone want to play dumbledore? bc he’s kinda necessary but sometimes not idek
I’ll play him 🤷🏻‍♀️
thanks sallllll
“you! are! annoying!” julia hit markus over the head with a styrofoam plate.
“hey,” grace began, talking to julia. “that’s not gonna make any of this better.” she said, motioning to markus.
Dumbledore looked around, his eyes wide. He muttered a ancient spell, and the room was filled with light and the smoke was gone.
“i..could care less.” she grumbled. then she remembered she was a hufflepuff. “oops. sorry.”
Markus scowled, “sO are you,” he said, throwing the plate to the ground.
an ancient spell
grace looked up to dumbledore. “what was that?” she whispered. “is dad coming?” she asked.
Markus looked at Grace, “Yeah. Listen to this girl. Take some notes,” he muttered to Julia.
Dumbledore looked at Grace, he nodded. “Harry Potter must come.. he his related to this as are you.”
“i- rude.” julia mumbled. neville burst into the hall. evelyn dove under the table at the sight of her dAd
grace went pale. “what?” she asked. she was on the verge of tears. noah came over. // “what’s going on?” he asked.
“does everyone have to come? because moms baking pie to bring to us.” milo complained
“professor? should i send my patroclus out to the headquarters?” neville said sEcRetLy
tEa tEa
Dumbledore gave another nod, “Everyone, retreat to the library, immediately,” he yelled to everyone, DumbleDore gave a sympathetic look at Grace, “We’ll sort everything out,” he assured her.
Markus listened to DumbleDore, and ran to the library dragging his backpack. He didn’t want to die.
“yay! library!” evelyn said, rolling out from the table and glaring at neville
“muggle.” milo muttered, and sped past james
grace was dumbfounded. this was ridiculous. she just wanted to be able to come to hogwarts and be normal. then again, no potter was normal.
neville cast his patronous and muttered something and it flew out the door
Emily appears 👏🏻 magic
Markus sat down near the restricted section in the library he leaned against the wall. He didn’t have his wand, he threw it at the smoke. Markus frowned, and eyed the restricted section.
emily ¡
heyy emily
julia walked into the library and thought about spells that would be useful
neville approached dumbledore. “i sent out the patronous. a few people should be arriving soon. do youneed me to do anything else?”
Della walks around all confused.
grace and noah walked into the library, and he immediately sensed her worry. “whatever it is, we’ll figure it out. dad and mom will do anything for us.” // grace sulked
fAnCay a cUp oF tEa anYoNe
Dumbledore shook his head, “It’s fine, thank you Neville. Evelyn’s safe in the library of you want to see her.”
evelyn started to cry because she thought her dad was going to die and she hid behind a bookshelf.
nEviLLe iS a qUeEn
Markus snuck a spell book out of the restricted section and placed it in his backpack carefully.
“that’s fine. she’ll be ok, i want a cup of tea and a biscuit while i wait. let me know when luna’s here.”
Markus looked at James, “Don’t sing please, your singing is uh - dreadful.”
grace rolled her eyes at james’ remark. something bad could be going on, and he was bored? she wanted to scream. // “chill,” noah said, sending her anger. “dad’ll be mad if you beat up a weasley.”
milo nodded in agreement
Della screamed when things that shouldn’t be moving were moving. She was very confused.
evelyn sobbed and covered her mouth cause that was loud and she began reading hogwarts; a history
Markus looked at Grace, he raised a eyebrow. “Is this girl okay?” he asked
Markus looked at Avion, “Yeah I could see, he clearly is one.” Markus muttered, and smiled slightly at what he said.
julia thought about everyone. markus was a weird flower guy, james was a bad singer, grace was pretty..she continued thinking
grace shrugged. “i don’t even know if i’m okay,” she said simply.
Della ran up to someone. “you’ve got to help me! I think I’m hallucinating!” She cried only to receive a weird look from the stranger.
Markus fixed his flower crown on his head, and began making another flower crown biting his lip concentrating
grace smiled. “my dad’ll kill me.” she said with a laugh.
Dumbledore took Della and placed her in the library, “Stay here,” he told her, closing the library doors shut.
julia raised an eyebrow. “are flower crowns never ending?” she asked
Markus looked at Grace, “None of us are okay.” he said more to himself Than to her.
grace sighed. “now that, you are right about.”
Markus looked at Avion, “What a lucky guy I am.” he said sarcastically, he looked at Julia, “Not anytime soon.”
“oh my god, I’m gonna die!”Della started crying.
harry walked over to dumbledore discreetly. “what happened?” he whispered.
“cool.” julia nodded, opening a book
diD eVeRyOnE diE¿
Dmbledore looked at Harry, “Voldemort has arrived. And more than anything, he wants to take revenge. Not on you, on your daughter.” Dumbledore breathed deeply, and sank into a chair rubbing his temples, “One of the students here, is said to bring destruction upon the school. This student is somehow connected to Voldemort.”
neville shrieked. “that isn’t good!” he was stalking his old pal harry and dumbledore
Markus shrugged at Grace, he stood up and peered out the window. He scowled, and took his backpack to a corner which was hidden with bookshelves and opened the spell book that he had gotten from the restricted section.
“I don’t know where I am, I think I’ve been kidnapped!” Della cries.
Dumbledore looked at Neville, “Neville, please don’t share this with anyone. I wouldn’t want students get frightened for some dumb joke.”
“I have been kidnapped! last night I fell asleep in my bed and now I’m here!” Della says.
harry shuddered. “i knew this would happen eventually. what do we do?” he looked up at dumbledore, fear in his eyes.
Dumbledore is a ghost boo
Dumbledore shook his head at Bill, “I must go,” Dumbledore said, “We have to recast the guarding spells around Hogwarts.” Dumbledore gave a look at Neville and Harry to not speak about it. The less people knew, the better
we!re gonna pretend that dumbledore never died.
neville nodded and turned to harry. “shall i call the order?”
harry nodded and walked over to grace and noah. “are you guys alright?” he asked, putting a hand on their shoulders.
yeah we are lol
“no, no, no. Don’t touch me!” Della cries.
neville called up the squad and went to the library to comfort evelyn because no one likes her
sQUaD gOaLs
luna apparated outside the grounds and walked in. she banged into della. “oh my.” she mumbled
Della falls to the ground.
Markus felt more than he saw, he heard a slight whisper telling him to go to the library at midnight. Markus bit his lip, and gave. a slight nod.
“sorry! my bad. are you alright?” luna apologized
neville went to find julia and evelyn cried more. evelyn has no friends.
Markus saw everyone’s parents arriving, he knew his father wouldn’t arrive.Markus turned his head, and continued reading his spell book discreetly.
“no I’m not, I’ve been kidnapped!” Della yells.
“kidnapped? not the nargles...?”
“nar-what?” Della says confused.
“nargles. it’s-oh never mind. you should be in the library. do you know where that is?”
“we’re fine dad,” grace mumbled. “are you going to tell me what’s going on now?” she asked. // “we’re going to figure it out. for now, we’re going to relax and figure this out as we go, alright sweetheart?” // she wanted to act stubborn and turn away, but she couldn’t turn away from her father. she collapsed into his arms and just lay there, crying into his shoulder.
Markus walked around the library, he opened a door and snuck out carefully, only knowing a few books down from the shelves accidentally. He flinched.
“I have no idea where I am!” Della starts crying again.
hagrid peered down at avion. “oi! that could wake fluffy up! don’t yer know anYtHinG?”
luna hugged her. “come.” she said softly
harry reassured his daughter everything would be okay and that he would be back to check on her before bed, and head back over to dumbledore. “we have to find that kid. i will do anything to protect my daughter albus. anything.” he looked back at her.
grace headed over to markus and saw he was reading a book. not just any book, a book from the restricted section. “how on earth did you obtain that?!” she asked.
“oh! it’s ok. what’re yer names?” hagrid asked
Della followed Luna.
Dumbledore nodded solemnly, “We must, before things take a turn for the worst.” Dumbledore said softly.
“oBtAiN.” julia echoed, and walked off
Markus quickly tucked the book away, eyeing Grace warily. “It’s mine,” he lied, “It was fathers, now it’s mine.”
harry shook his head. “i better call ginny and let her know, if that’s alright.”
luna led her to the room of requirement. they entered into a small tea room. “see that portrait? her names ariana. she’ll lead you to a certain place where you can get information on what’s going on outside hogwarts. come back after quickly and we’ll find dumbledore and make sure he knows. the man on the other side of the portrait and albus aren’t on..good terms.”
“that’s great. whos yer father? clearly a weasley, but wha’ oNe?”
“why is that portrait moving?” Della freaks out.
dumbledore nodded, as he made he muttered some spells to guard the school.
grace squinted her eyes. “i’ve seen that book before, from the restricted section.” she sighed. “don’t worry, i won’t tell... who is your father exactly?”
“it’s a thing. sometimes, when people die, they are put in portraits for certain things. should i come with you, or are you alright by yourself?”
“oh! bills a nice fella. wha happened?”
“please come with me, I don’t know what’s happening.” Della says.
“okay. just watch out for blibbering h-whatever. come!” luna approached ariana and gave her a warm smile
Della follows Luna.
“not fleur!!” hagrid gasped. neville stupidly fell over onto harry’s feet
ariana began walking away. luna walked into the wall, and suddenly was next to ariana
Della screams. “what the heck!”
luna motioned for della to follow
“no I will not!” Della refuses.
luna gave ariana an apologetic look and walked towards della and was next to her in a second. “why?”
noah walked over to hagrid, james, and avión. “hey hagrid,” he said, intruding on the conversation because he had been left alone.
where did sal go
Markus raised an eyebrow, “How can I trust you?” Markus asked, avoiding her question. “Why don’t you go back to your father, Harry Potter.” Markus spat at her.
“what’s happening? why can people walk into pictures and why are the portraits moving?” Della is a confused child.
ahaha sorry my mom bought cotton candy and I wanted some 😂👏🏼
“hullo noah.” hagrid beamed
“because, it’s hogwarts!” luna said, getting frustrated. “they don’t hurt you.”
grace sighed. “you know, you can’t push away everybody,” then a thought came to her. “you’re a malfoy, aren’t you?”
“where even is Hogwarts? I’m telling you I’ve been kidnapped!” Della yells.
“Pushing people away is what I’m best at,” Markus shrugged, “Maybe, maybe not.” Markus smirked,
“you are in hogwarts!” luna shrieked.
hagrid not. “‘s alright. that flute is beautiful!”
“i can see that,” she said with a smirk. “you’re definitely a malfoy. i can tell by the way you say harry potter.”
“I’m so confused.” Della cries.
“do you know what’s going on hagrid?” he lowered his voice. “something with my sister?”
“yeh i..” hagrid began. “i can’t tell yer that!” he spat
Markus scowled, “What are you? A detective?” Markus said sarcastically, tucking the book away in his backpack. He rolled his eyes, “Harry Potter can die for all I care.” he muttered
luna pat her back. “everything’s fine. just, don’t stress or the blibbering humbugs will get to you.”
evelyn cried.
“definitely a malfoy,” grace kept the grin on her face. “i’m sure you’re ecstatic by the fact that he’s in the building.”
Della nods and wipes her eyes.
“so it is about my sister!” he yelled rather loudly. many heads turned.
okay looks like i’m better at being adults bc all my characters are crying
AJ throws open some doors dramatically. "AJ IS HERE. YOUR WELCOME." then she chokes on air.
hahaha lily
my ocs are depressed
heyy ryan
“Quite ecstatic.” Markus said sarcastically, he glanced at the window. “This whole thing revolves around you, right? What’s your name?”
“grace potter,” she said. “i don’t even know. my father and dumbledore are both equally too mysterious for me to get anything out of them.” she said.
ryan the bean does not throw open doors, because she can't do that. she be a weak bean. she rolls her eyes tho.
oops. just realized i said she said twice.
wait hang on. whos ryan? i have an Oc named ryan, so if thats someones name, i'll change it....
no it’s not
“Grace Potter. A name fit for a Potter of course,” Markus said, shrugging. “It has something to do with you of course, what I don’t know.” Markus smirked slyly.
oh ok....i'm still confused....
lily noah answered hagrid fyi
hagrid flushes.
grace rolled her eyes. “ ‘fit for a potter’? what’s that supposed to mean? and how do you know it’s about me?” she inquired.
Logan is now Ryan
hagrid flushes the toilet?😂
Aj runs around. being a weirdo. // ryan wanders, not being a weirdo.
julia sighed because she needed life
i meant blushed
BuT.....I LiKe mY NaMe.
noah sighed. “it’s my sister hagrid.. you have to tell me.”
is any bean approachable? or not approachable, but would allow to interrupted by my very special people?
“i can’t! against law!” he said
noah rolled his eyes. “you’ve known me since i was in diapers. my dad too. you can’t break a rule for a POTTER?” he smiled and batted his lashes.
“something you wouldn’ t understand,” Markus said simply, “It’s clear that’s it’s about you. I mean, you’re Harry Potter’s daughter for god’s sake. It’s Voldemort.”
Aj looks at milo. "have you ever choked on air? it hurts." she says.
“i might-i can’t..i’ll-“ hagrid stuttered. “something with you-know-who!” he said finally
milo raised an eyebrow. “oh, all the time.” he nodded
grace went pale. “you don’t think..” she looked around before she said this. “you don’t think he’s out to get revenge on me, do you?”
“WHAT?” noah screamed. this time everyone in the room was staring at him, including his sister.
“i’m kidding! joking. it’s nothing.”
Aj nods back. "well then, you get it. it's li....hey...were you being sarcastic?" she asks.
ryan's eyes widen at noah. "SHUT UP DUDE." she yells at him.
“ITS NOT NOTHING. IS YOU-KNOW-WHO TRYING TO KILL MY SISTER?” he yelled, and harry had just gotten back from his call with ginny.
“IM KIDDING!” hagrid sobbed
“very much.” milo laughed
grace hurried over. “what’s going on?” she asked quietly.
evelyn and julia hugged and sighed and cried about their nonexistent lives
ryan walks over to them both. "hello? dudes? inside voices." she says.
noah rolled his eyes. // harry looked over at everyone. “everyone, go to your dorms! including you two,” he said, pointing to his children.
Aj frowned. "i feel offended. stop laughing. sarcasm is no laughing matter. neither is choking." she points at him. "i wouldn't laugh if you choked. actually, maybe i would...." she shrugs.
Markus shrugged, and headed over to his dorm, being sure to stop to get food.
oof. i do not know why.
voldemort killed ur dudes’ mother and the only way to get her back is the records✌🏻
i seeeeeeeeee. coolioooo
julia shrugged
i’m proud of myself.
hagrid bent over. “noah, take yer friends and anyone who is important or knows about this situation and follow me.”
“down here. did anyone inherit the you know what? invisible?”
noah sighed. “only our father, dumbledore, and grace know,” // grace nodded, and the three potters followed hagrid.
although, what records are we talking about?
“no i-“ hagrid face palmed. “fine. follow meh.”
Markus held the cupcakes in his hands, he thought for a moment. “Yes.” Markus said simply.
aj ran around the school. why not. // ryan started looking for a certain room. a secret room.
hagrid opened the door. “in!” he huffed
grace walked in first, skeptically. the other two followed.
milo shrugged. luna sat in the room of requirement sipping tea and having s chat with the fat lady
hagrid getting saLtY🧂🧂
“so. grace.” he said quickly
should i make a new page?
ryan keeps looking around, eventually, she finds it. the room of requirement.
“yes,” grace says slowly.
ryan enters, shutting the door behind her, and willing it to lock.
luna made another cup of tea, the nargles told her that there was another person outside the door. julia looked at her mother and took a biscuit
“explain.” he whispered, getting out some rock cakes
“hi there!” luna said, smiling warmly at ryan.
oops I disappeared
Markus made his way to the library, carefully making sure to not arise any questions. Markus slipped in and looked around, waiting for the person.
I’m so magical
“what do you mean?” she asked, staring at the rock cakes.
hagrid handed them out. “i, er..let it slip by an acciden’.”
markus is sHaDy
ryan spun quickly. "who are...nevermind..." she says. (I SHALL BE BACK. PIZZA CALLS ME.)
“let what slip, oh yeah, the fact that he-who-shall-not-be-named is trying to kill my sister?” noah said, furious and nervous at the same time. harry grew pale. // “son, calm down, please,” he said pleadingly.
hagrid gave harry an extra rock cake. “i’m luna!” julia slid down in her seat.
Markus watched as a man entered out of now where, he whispered quickly to Markus and Markus nodded. Markus gave the book to the man, and the man disappeared.
harry sighed. “it’s alright hagrid. they were going to find out soon enough,” he looked down. “ginny’s worried sick.”
“well, bring ‘er!” hagrid said. he liked ginny.
“she’s on her way. she had to find a sitter for alice. didn’t want to bring her into all of this until we have to,” said with a small smile.
he** said
hagrid nodded. “i understan’”
harry sighed. “what’s the plan here, hagrid? quite frankly i have no idea what to do.” // grace sighed. she’d never seen her dad be so unsure of himself.
“well..you always figure it out!” he said defensively
Markus slipped out of the library, the plan embedded into his mind. Markus made his way too his dorm quietly.
“i’m not a kid anymore hagrid,” he looked over at grace and noah. “i think it’s best you two go to bed. i need to talk to hagrid alone anyways,” he said, and the two kids retreated to their dorms.
this rp died quickly
sorry walmart called
hagrid stared blankly at harry
“i’m not who i used to be,” harry stood up and paced around the room. “i can’t be reckless anymore, hagrid! i have a wife, and kids...” he trailed off.
i’m gonna make a new page for day 2, but hagrid and harry can keep talking on this if u want
“yeh! an’ i have a wife an’ a kid, which i forgo’ to tell yeh..it was a quick weddin’.. anyway..”
“that’s wonderful hagrid,” harry softened, and smiled. “this is just too much. i didn’t realize that everything i had done would affect my children. if i hadn’t..” he trailed off and went into deep thought.
“if yeh hadn’t..?”
“if i hadn’t been so reckless as a kid, i wouldn’t have to even think about my daughter’s life being on the line.”