I will be honest to all of them but some of them I don't know what they mean


I will be honest to all of them but some of them I don't know what they mean

25 2
is that how you spell your name?
6. oh god I don't remember I listen to songs every single day I think it was treat u better I am honestly not sure
38. to be a singer,songwriter and a dancer I write songs in fact I have made 510 before 2016 is over I am a dancer I do cheer to and singer I love to express my feelings and other thing so I wanna see my songs and so much more
34. OMG it was this year having my period on the first day of school omg that was so embarrassing especially since I told the teacher but at least she was a girl
33 nothing really
13 and 9
45 really I have no celebrity crush
13 and lol 9 ok 13 for my cat to come back ❤️💔❤️💔 and also umm *let me look😂 pink