quick lil future tom thing cuz I'm bored,,,, hey what do you do if you have a major crush on your best friend but they're taken by your other friend and it makes you wanna cry :,)?


πŸ’™tapπŸ’š quick lil future tom thing cuz I'm bored,,,, hey what do you do if you have a major crush on your best friend but they're taken by your other friend and it makes you wanna cry :,)?

34 1
@caption wait
I have no idea my only friend is my crush and idk how to do anything
and Heck youre friend is taken smh that sucks
maybe you should get them to like you better you know idk THST sounds mean why am I talking
rip then
Tessa: LmaΓΈ sure bud
hey I'm heavens friend from pics art πŸ™ƒ
ow. i suppose it's your situation ? be happy for him/her and talk with him/her. maybe (s)he willis change her/his mind. ;)