🌚<<Whoever can find my bby(s) first gets a shoutout!!!🌚 Also, can u guys tell me how to make my account/collages better?😣 rn my collages r kinda bleck and i wanted to know if y'all could recommend any good apps...Thats all!πŸ˜‰Heh~ >>Sakura-chan


🌚<<Whoever can find my bby(s) first gets a shoutout!!!🌚 Also, can u guys tell me how to make my account/collages better?😣 rn my collages r kinda bleck and i wanted to know if y'all could recommend any good apps...Thats all!πŸ˜‰Heh~ >>Sakura-chan

52 1
Yesh i use Phonto~ and okey! thx darling😘
Your collages are already wonderful! πŸ’• You just need more people to find your great work!
^^ahhh thank u so much!!! >^<
yesssssss 🌚🌚🌚🌚