Lets talk👇


Lets talk👇

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I'm sure it will end up fine and I know how u feel it will get better in the end
i understand how you feel because some years ago I thought I had many friends and then a lot happened and now I feel sometime like I have only one or two friends. but then I realize that there're other people I talk to and they count as friends too. we laugh and we have never fought it's just that we don't see each other very often or hang out together so much
I almost lost a friend recently too and all I can say is stick to the true friends 🌺 sometimes it's the best thing to do! for now, maybe try finding new friends or if you really want to be friends with that person again that talk to them and maybe apologize if you think it was your fault 💖💦✨ anyway good luck bestie I know you can do this! (: