Collage by 3RunawayKidsInactive


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sorry....... and even tho I'm a girl I always am breaking apart fights (boys and girls) especially my younger and older cousins
Sorry for being nosy, u don't have to answer but are the police after u?
wow.. turns out I am a LOT like Amber
why did you runaway?
Oh that's not brilliant. When u grow up, when you are old enough u NEED to share ur amazing story. I would read it, I love reading and writing.
what made you guys runaway?
did u guys meet each other after running away or before, r u guys related... sorry for the wired questions
no.. I didn't runaway.. I like writing story's and reading(fantasy is my favourite ) I can read a whole book in one night and love hot chocolate (sometimes I sneak it for breakfast, pls don't tell mom) I am also very hyper and I feel more mature then my whole family..just for examples
they both sound better than my life
I like reading and writing too! ( especially fantasy and mythology fiction) hi five, amber!
also can everyone here go follow 3runaway_kids_FANPAGE. her old one messed up and she used to have like 150 followers or something and then the account just *poof* gone. We don't know what happen but pls help her!!!!
kk that is fine with me
We ran away because "the home" (orphanage) was going to split us apart, Luke and Amber have known eachother for a long time because he took care of her. We all met at "the home."
it's ok
ohh..poor you guys. You know..I'm sortta glad you guys ran away 'cause that's just horrible!!!😳