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We are on

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Happy Easter Babe💕
thx babe
*Kisses You*
*kisses u back*
Babe I'll Be Off For A While If I'm Not Doing Anything on Account I Don't Have Internet I'm at a Easter Party
Ok I'm Back💕💦
um I'm breaking up with u it's not u it's me
because we don't talk that much
Please Don't It's Because I Didn't Have Internet Please Don't!!
*Please Dont*I will never Ever Talk to Then I'm Sorry
I'm so sorry
I'm Sorry But Bye *Grabs Our Kid Slams Door*I shouldn't never Dated You
wow fxck u ur just like my ex ur just psycho
I'm Sorry I Really Love You so much I would Die for You how Would I Give Up on You
he doesn't want to talk sorry -all
Fine -Later stabs Myself*
L-Look Say I'm Sorry That I'm A Stupid Bish That Needs To Leave I Just Didn't Talk To Him W-When I Didn't Have Internet Now I Do😶🔫 Don't Make Me Do It
Please I Need To Talk To You Now!
Bye Say Bye To Your Girl I'm Leaving Now