Updated for my lovely friends:)


Updated for my lovely friends:)

12 35
yoooo :) whats up?
well im your friend now haha
could be better :( just got finished crying, wbu?
ah well in sorry to hear that *frowns*
why are you saddd
i get bullied :(
aha its okay no worries♥️
why thank you beautiful xx
once again, thank chuuuuuuuu
love you toooo
hOw aRE cHU beccArEb
aha thaNks, and I’m GooD
hello sweetheart, how have you been?
aw i’m sorry, talk to me princess
aw i’m sorry babygirl ❤️
remix me :(
hEllo beccArEb -Mark
yAs, likes wut?
hellllooooo I’m seraiya:))
hello angel, sorry i was gone
i remixed you x
aw you are so adorable 😍
i’m here princess ❤️
if you’d like angel 😍
it’s been alright, i’ve just missed you. and how was yours?
aw i’m sorry, goodnight angel. sleep well❤️
hello x
remix me angel x
I said to remix me :/ did you not get iT ? x
awh , m’ sorry
hey, hey x - it’s alrighT
we can tomorrow? x
I miss you qt :
hey, i’m maddeline
I’m here angel xX
I miss you babygirl x
i miss you most :(
I love you most <3
I miss you babygirl, I need cuddles - I’ve been thinking about you all day. oops
kora, angel x
I miss you:(
awh x , you know where to find me x
and I love you most ❤️