she has made 0 improvement


she has made 0 improvement

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What are you talking about no improvement!!!!!!!! I can't believe you don't see it, you must be blind. 😂 This is stupid and a waste of time no one cares if you hate her. Because she has sooooooo much talent. Way more than you.
your the big fat sore loser, who just can't handle her talent!
Shut up... I bet you haven't improved either
stop please , she doesn't deserve to be hated on!!
scientists say the earth is made out of newtons but they forgot to mention morons like you
she has made a lot of improvement and that is an amazing collage your just jealous and should be ashamed to make such bad collages and then say other people's collages are bad (world_girl)
your the loser here
uhhh yeah your right YOU HAVE MADE ZERO IMPROVEMENT cuz all u do is make collages about the same thing and its sooo boring
that's SO much improvement! what are you talking about?!!