Collage by MotherChaos


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how are you?
You did AMAZING on Amazing Selenators!! You are your team's representative! 👍👍 Do your team proud!
By The Way Round 6 is posted!! Enter in a week or your team will be eliminated 😱
With the phone, I posted that one on my tutorial account howtoedit (I made it) so scroll down quite a bit and you'll find that. With the camera, search on we heart it 'camera template png' and you'll find that one. With the polaroid, search on we heart it/safari/piccollage for 'polaroid png' and easily, you'll find that. For the black rain drops, search on piccollage/safari 'rain drops png' and you'll find those. The little design is a sticker on PicCollage but I made it a png and I can't find it anymore.... anyways, that should help 😁