Here's a little collage I made late at night, seeing how I can't sleep -_-
Can I have some feedback for this one? On a scale of 1-10?


CLICK FOR... Here's a little collage I made late at night, seeing how I can't sleep -_- Can I have some feedback for this one? On a scale of 1-10?

57 0
I really like it. for some reason I'm really attracted to the whole, dark, grim, torn up thing. idk why. I give it a 10
Why, thank you!
hey friend! nice edit! sup?
ugh...terrible. my throat is super swollen. I wanted to record my voice into a song I was working on, but you know, plan demolished.
I got that today...*sigh*
today sucks...
but at least I'm eating Payday!!!!
100000000!!!! 👌🏻❤️ love it!