Collage by xerottia


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hello dean :)
hi dean :) i’m lilah
thank you sir! i love your name too 💜 how are you today??
i’m doing very well :)) i got a new puppy today!! wanna see him??
*giggles and takes your hand pulling you back to my bedroom and points to the stuffed animal on my bed* his name is benny *looks up at you excitedly to see your reaction* isn’t he the cutest puppy ever??
*runs over to the bed and grabs him hugging him to my chest* he’s a good puppy
*brings him over to you and smiles up at you* would you like to hold benny mister dean?
*kisses his head before gently placing him in your arms* be careful mister dean, he’s only a baby puppy
*giggles softly as i watch you* aww benny really liked you
*giggles and sits on my bed watching you with him* come sit please *pats the bed*
*smiles and plays with him in my lap looking over at you* what should we do mister dean?
hmmm *lays back on my bed cuddling benny to my chest* maybe we could go to somewhere? oo or watch a movie??
*claps and smiles excitedly as i gently take your hand* mm i love eating snacks while watching a movie
*stays close to you smiling as i look at the different snack options with you*
*jumps up and down smiling* oo yes please. i wan both!!