Same theme (social repose)


Same theme (social repose)

31 36
Is he white? then why is he wearing this? he uses other peoples culture as asthetic! thats just insulting! unless he is an native american he has no rights to wear this!!!!
just wanna make sure you really notice 😊😊😊
uh oke...? his music isn't trash to me and his colors and symbols aren't even authentic, so I guess I'm sorry to ppl who are offended...?
He has the right to do the FÛCK he Wants!
It's HIS way of standing out.
yeh ok sry i always escalate quickly XD but i just think its important for people to understand that they cant just use cultures as their asthetic because my culture for exampld means alot to me (im not native btw
oh yeh i totally has the right to use other peoples CULTURE as his asthetic thats not insulting at all.. @person above
"person above" ish meh frand and I know but he's not trying to use their culture, he purposely got colors and symbols that aren't authentic
So? Lots of other people who aren't Natives wear headdresses.