The anime icon is phantom_dancer


The anime icon is phantom_dancer

15 0
plz no hate
I didn't do anything, except for saying to be a bit nicer to people.
on her page tho not here. I can get a photo on her page coz she blocked me😣
Wow! that is mean
They are probs lying, I don't think that's true don't worry
basically yeah
Ok Bye and TYSM!😍🐷
wait to lie and I did nothing so wait to be even more of a hater my army will b on you soon hater
why r u such a hater I reported u and this collage so ur gonna get it
wait to corrupt people
That is just rude they are so mean
Don't listen to them I know they are lying
peppermint much is lying ur hating on me and my friends for no reason I suggest u stop
Yeah right get a life and stop bulling people @Brodway_babes